To the editor:
Dirt around the world dreads Spring. Normally, it can set up a nice house in the nooks and crannies of the world and once there then families can blossom into massive colonies. Countering this process is the cleaning that comes with spring. My time here in Stratford-upon-Avon is finished and new opportunities are out there. It has been an education and an experience. Britain is a collection of bizarre customs and services. Moving away is proving to take longer than the time I have lived here, so it seems. To cancel phone service, cable service, and the like requires writing a letter, buying an envelope, stamp, and then mailing the same to some address. This despite the ease with which the online services are provided and encouraged.
There is something humbling about how the best of new technology is thwarted by a petty official demanding a paper stamp and envelope. Much like dirt, administrative bureaucracy loves its abode. I suspect that the two are from the same family as neither is quite right in the head.
China has its tomb sweeping holiday. On this day everyone visits family graves and gives them a sweep. The dust of the past year is brushed away as one would brush away some dirt on the nose of a youngster. A little bit of lunch and lots of laughs as their past antics come to mind. Moving is similar. You drag out a variety of implements that seem bizarre and with the ferocity of a zealot preaching the faith to lions, you go on the attack!
After all the thrusts and parries are done, that was quite a blow when you took the duster and whacked the television set on the rump! Sneezing and weeping from the irritation and agony you finally stumble and fall victorious upon the couch. The dirt whimpers in its bin. You look around amazed, close up the suitcase, lock the door, look around once more and then run like the dickens! Last thing you want to have is that tap on the shoulder from the dirt!
Stratford-upon-Avon, U.K.