To the editor:
I am a Grassroots Republican who read with interest Steve Martin’s letter of May 13th. I have been very involved in politics here in Aroostook County for the past nine years, in various capacities. I, like Mr. Martin, have become disheartened with the direction and downward spiral to which many in our party have succumbed. Many have grown weary or afraid to speak up for our Constitutional rights and the principles our country was founded upon. I applaud Mr. Martin for his willingness to not compromise and to stand up for the truth. In the past months, a small but rapidly growing band of “grass rooters” have sprung up in our county and have decided enough is enough. We no longer are content with settling for the “lesser of two evils” and want leadership that represent our core values.
We are meeting now each month in Presque Isle and are hoping to get local groups started in each town. Those of you out there who long to see the Republican party return to its Conservative Constitutional Roots and those of you who are independents but at heart conservative please consider joining us. Together we can work together to see real hope and change in our state!
Feel free to contact me at 532-0934 for more information.