Sports in brief . . .

16 years ago

Wildcat athlete of the week
    The Varsity Club and Big Cheese Pizza are pleased to congratulate the boys tennis doubles team of Chris Cawley and Kyle Gilson and Amber Griffin for being selected as athletes of the week for the week of May 4-9.     As a doubles team Cawley and Gilson are undefeated helping to lead the boys varsity tennis team to a record of 6-0. Griffin has placed and scored in 3 events in every track and field meet this year.
American Legion baseball
    Tryouts for the Patriots of Aroostook County will be held Sunday, May 31 at 2 p.m. at the Presque Isle High School.
    Players born on or after Jan. 1, 1990 are eligible. For information, call Richard Parsons at 764-7213.
Nordic Heritage Center Celebrates National Trails Day
    The Nordic Heritage Sport Club, in conjunction with Maine Winter Sports Center, is inviting the general public to celebrate National Trails Day on June 6.
    The Nordic Heritage Sport Club (NHSC) promotes healthy outdoor recreation and economic vitality in Central Aroostook County by providing first-class facilities and programs to area residents, athletes, and visitors. Known for hosting world-class cross country and biathlon events during the winter months, the Nordic Heritage Center also features a plethora of warm weather trails and activities.
    Through its’ National Trails Day Festival, NHSC hopes to provide a chance for area residents to get to know the Nordic Heritage Center.
    Beginning at 9:00 am, those interested can participate in free Nordic walking, mountain bike, and trail running guided tours for all abilities. Geocaching and orienteering treks will also be offered, followed by a free BBQ from 11:00 am – Noon.
    Families and individuals of all ages and abilities welcome. This is a great opportunity to explore the summer trails at the Nordic Heritage Center.
    For more information please visit, or contact Program Committee Chair Melissa York at (207) 227-0250 or via email at
Aroostook River Fun Run
    The second annual Aroostook River Fun Run canoe and kayak race begins at10 a.m. on May 30,  from Washburn’s Thomas Brewer Park boat launch and continues to the Presque Isle Fish and Game Club, a flatwater total of eight miles.
    Registration is from 8-9:30 a.m. or online. Register early ($15 adults, $10 children) to get a free race T-shirt. For more information, contact Gretchen Morse at 764-0802 or e-mail or visit their Web site at
Beaver Basketball Camp
    The Beaver Basketball Camp will be held at the Washburn Elementary Gym from June 15-18, from 5-7 p.m. each day. Beaver Basketball Camp is directed by Larry Worcester, and will be available to boys and girls currently in grades 4-8. Fundamentals necessary to become an outstanding basketball player will be emphasized.
    The camp will offer individual and group drill stations, instructional games, and skill competitions. Several awards will be presented at the conclusion of the clinic and the first 40 campers to register will receive a Beaver basketball t-shirt.
    The fee is $40 per player. Registration forms need to be returned to Mrs. Worcester at WDES.  Please make checks payable to Beaver Basketball Camp.
    Registrations can also  be mailed to: Larry Worcester, P.O. Box 550, Washburn, ME 04786, or call Larry Worcester at 455-8003 or e-mail: