To the editor:
Each year, thousands of men and women spend countless hours responding to, and providing, the best in pre-hospital care to the millions of Americans whom have come to rely on the Emergency Medicals Services (EMS) system. Please join us in celebrating National EMS Week (May 17-23, 2009). This year’s theme is “A proud partner in your Community”. As Regional Coordinator, I can attest to the long hours and extreme dedication given by the volunteers and paid time members that comprise the local EMS system. Not only do these folks give of themselves, they also forsake a lot of personal and family time in the interest of helping others in time of need.
Aroostook County is proud of the 11 ground Ambulance Services, two Air Ambulance Transport services, and 224 First Responders, Basic EMTs, Intermediate EMTs and Paramedics that serve our communities. These people step up to the plate each and every day, in an effort to promote the best in pre-hospital care possible, to the citizens for which they serve.
In addition, we want to extend our sincere congratulations to Mr. Gary Gardner of Eagle Lake. Mr. Gardner has been selected to receive the 2009 Maine EMS “Merit Award”, for his contributions to the EMS System at the local and regional levels. Mr. Gardner is a senior manager with Ambulance Service Inc. of Fort Kent.
So please, the next time you see a member of Ashland Ambulance, Crown Ambulance or Limestone, Fort Fairfield, Presque Isle, and Washburn fire departments, please take a moment to thank them for their dedication to the EMS system.
regional coordinator
Aroostook Region 5 EMS