Primerica promotes Carter

16 years ago

Image    Officials with Primerica Financial Services have announced the promotion of David Carter of Littleton to regional vice-president.
  In making the announcement, John Addison, co-chief executive officer of the company said, “I am pleased to announce that David Carter is a barometer of the number of people that Primerica has helped prepare for a more secure financial future, and that’s what we’re all about. Thanks to dedicated leaders like David, Primerica is an industry leader, providing real financial solutions to more than six million clients.”
    In response to the news, Carter said, “I’m very gratified by this promotion. It means that a lot of long hours and hard work have begun to pay off. The most satisfying aspect of being a Primerica representative is knowing that you are helping other people take control of their personal finances. I look forward to expanding our business in order to serve even more people in the community.”
    Primerica Financial Services, the largest financial service marketing organization in North America with more than 1,000,000 independent representatives, provides financial products and services, principally term life insurance, investments and debt consolidation loans.
    Carter was a graduate of Hodgdon High School Class of 2000.