European bikers make stop at Aroostook Hospitality Inn

16 years ago
Harley Davidson riders

Fifteen motorcycles and 22 visitors drove into town on their Harley Davidson bikes for a stay at the Hospitality Inn on the Washburn Road last weekend.
The group was a group of ‘test clients’ for a full tour scheduled for a possible visit in September. Riders left from Strasbourg, a city in France near the German border, to check out our local area through West Forever Harley Davidson Tours, which covers areas in France, Italy and Austria. They ranged in age from those in their 20s to one rider in his early 70s, and all dressed in traditional biker dress and looked like bikers from right next door, with the only tell-tale sign they weren’t locals was a lot of French language being spoken.
The group, under the direction of CEO Dominique Dillenbourg, arrived in Boston and rented the bikes and a van to carry their luggage, repair parts, extra water, maps and other items needed during their long rides through Maine and Canada. They toured throughout Massachusetts and Maine, staying at Belfast and Washburn, among other areas.
On Saturday night, the group truly enjoyed the traditional Aroostook County Saturday night supper of baked beans, red hotdogs, macaroni and potato salads and whoopee pies. They spent the rest of the evening enjoying a bonfire at the Inn, enjoying, sharing and entertaining themselves and others with their musical talents. They sang French and English songs, including familiar ones like “This Land is your Land,” with several of the bikers bringing their own instruments, including a clarinet and harmonicas.
They left early Sunday morning after a bountiful continental breakfast for a trek through the Saint John Valley, with a stop at the Hospitality Inn in Van Buren, before heading through Canada to visit Quebec City. The tourists noted that they truly enjoyed traveling through America and hope it will become an annual event. They also noted that the countryside was comparable with their homelands, including Switzerland, Belgium, Germany and France.
Those from this area who got to meet this group are certainly looking forward to their possible return.

Retirement party

On Tuesday, June 16, the Washburn Town Office will be holding an open house for Anne Carter at the town office from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
At the end of June, Anne will be leaving her position at the Town Office after 25 years of service to the community. All are welcome to stop by for snacks, share some thoughts and memories and wish Anne the best.


A special first birthday wish goes out to Silvia Wren Easler. Others celebrating birthdays this week include: Allen Berube, Neil Baker Jr., Carol White, Kara Condon, Linnea Miller, Daelin Viola, Barry Ingraham, Donald Thibodeau, Mildred Bennett, Arianna Forbes, Joshua Anderson, Mallory Martin, Lexie Miller, Nan Buckingham, Robert MacDonald, William Merchant, Brenda Clayton, Blake Willett, Lendal Mills Jr., Harold Easler, Lareah Longley, Michael Ericson, Zachary Dow, Ethan Pendexter, Barbara Porter and Alan Flanagin.
Anniversary wishes go out to John and Kristie Drost, Neil and Mary Baker, Charlie and Mora Durost, Bernhard and Dino Aegerter, Gerald and Polly Vaughn, Matt and Holli Doody, Rod and Delma Emery, Ward and Christine Turner, Doug and Vicki Conley, Jim and Roxanne Cray and Everett and Susan Merchant.


TOPS hold their regular meetings each Monday at the Washburn Trailrunners clubhouse, starting with weigh-in at 4:15 p.m. and the meeting to follow from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. New members are always welcome.
Friendly Co-Op has a scheduled pick-up date set for Friday, June 12. To place your order, or if you have questions, phone Brenda McCoy at 455-8421 or e-mail her at
The Washburn Soup Kitchen schedule will include regular meals on Tuesdays and Thursdays, served from 3 to 5 p.m. and there will also be special senior citizen meals served on the second Friday of each month from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The next scheduled senior meal will be held at the soup kitchen on Friday, June 12. Please note that if these special senior citizen meals are not being supported by the senior community, they will not be held in the near future. They are open to any and all senior citizens in the tri-community area.
The Salmon Brook Historical Society will be holding their quarterly meeting on Thursday, June 25, at the Washburn Civic Center. The potluck supper will begin at 6 p.m. and will be followed by a business meeting. Please bring a main dish or dessert, place setting and friends and neighbors. All are welcome.

Special benefit supper

A spaghetti supper, complete with salad, rolls and dessert, will be held at the Washburn Elementary School on Saturday, June 13, from 4 to 7 p.m. with the proceeds going to the Corey family who recently lost everything in a house fire.
The tickets are $6 for adults and $3 for children 12 and under and there will also be a 50-50 drawing. For further information, contact Deb Corey at 455-4051.
This special event is being put on by the family members and friends of Brad, Billie Jo and Parker Corey, with the proceeds going to help them replenish their personal home needs. Please note that there are donation cans in area stores for this special need, and the family thanks you in advance for any and all donations.

August Festival updates

The dates for the upcoming annual event are Friday, Aug. 14, Saturday, Aug. 15, and Sunday, Aug. 16. The theme for the year is There’s No Place Like Home. This year’s festival king and queen, along with the parade grand marshall, will be announced in the near future.
Event chairmen include: Festival Chair and Children’s Events — Cindy Boot, 455-8464 or; Parade — Mike Umphrey at 455-8436 or; Arts and Crafts — Paul Carter at 455-4714; Friday Night Alumni Banquet — Linda Seward at 455-8373. Guests are asked to bring place settings, a salad or dessert or a main dish. The evening will begin with a social hour starting at 6 p.m., with the supper to follow at 6 p.m. The menu will include rolls, baked beans, hotdogs, coffee, tea and punch.
Also on Friday night, there will be a Rotary-sponsored outdoor walk-in-theatre which will be held in the field behind the Salmon Brook Historical Society museum and barn. The movie title will be announced in the near future.
Food Vendors or Entertainment Events are being organized by Dennis Harris, 455-8279 or Advertising is being handled by Peggy Bugbee at 764-8424. The Gospel Concert is under the direction of Matt Palmer, 455-4341 or
The Washburn Rotarians will be providing the Saturday-night meal and will feature a menu of beans, hotdogs, a variety of salads as well as coffee, tea or punch.
The Saturday-night show will be held in the park and feature the talents of Sound Friendship and will begin at 6:30 p.m. and go until around 9 p.m. when the fireworks begin.
The next scheduled August Festival meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 17, at the Washburn Civic Center starting at 6:30 p.m. Much support is needed for an event this size to be a success. Volunteers are needed as well as monetary support, and all input is welcome, and any interested residents are urged to attend. Any donations may be sent to August Festival, P.O. Box 45 Washburn, ME  04786 .
The Festival Committee relies on community support for this event. If your group or civic organization would like to partake in the festival, please feel free to contain Cindy Boot at 455-8464 or e-mail her at

Vacation Bible school

Perham Baptist Church will be holding their annual vacation Bible school from Monday, June 22, through Friday, June 26. The fun goes on from 9 to 11:30 a.m. each day and is open to children from 5 years old through grade 8. There will be a closing program held at the church on Friday, June 26, at 7 p.m.
For transportation, contact Don Thompson at 455-8218.

Rec Center schedule

There will be women’s basketball at the elementary school gym on Wednesday, June 3, from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
On Monday, June 1, there will be men’s basketball at the elementary school gym from 6:30 to 9 p.m.
Starting Monday, June 15, Robbie Krul will be in town for the week with his Dutch Soccer Camp which will be held at the Washburn soccer field from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. through Friday, June 19.
Also starting on Monday, June 15, and going through Thursday, June 18, the Beaver Basketball Camp with Larry Worcester will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Washburn Elementary School.
Registration forms for both these events have been sent home with students and are also available by phoning the Rec Center at 455-4959.

Celebrating 85th birthday

Nearly 90 family members and friends of Gwen Bragg recently attended a special event at the Washburn Civic Center, making her 85th birthday a special one.
There were several four-generation family members there and all enjoyed the company and conversations. Coming from Dover-Foxcroft were her brother Charlie and sister-in-law Mina Shaw, and guests attended from as far away as Tennessee. She also received several cards and phone calls from many others who were unable to attend.
Another family reunion time will be held in August when her southern daughters Trudy and Lois will be able to attend.
The party was planned and put on by her family and certainly enjoyed by all attending. They enjoyed the buffet table featuring everything from fruit to cheese, sandwiches, delicious brownies and other desserts, as well as birthday cake and ice cream. Gwen’s beautiful birthday cake was made and decorated by her granddaughter, Kristie Kelley.
Gwen received a large basket full of cards, along with a money tree. She will be buying a much-needed sewing machine with the cash. Thanks go to all for attending and sharing the day with her.

Boy Scout news

Members and adults of Washburn Boy Scout Troop 177 helped with their cooking skills during the grand opening of Gagnon’s Auto Sales in Presque Isle on Saturday, May 16. The boys cooked and sold hotdogs as well as chips, sodas and water during the event, earning funds to support troop activities. They recently began fund-raising for the 2010 National Jamboree trip to Fort K.P. Hill, Va.
Annex Manager Greg Cropley presented a donation check to the troop on behalf of owner Gary Gagnon in appreciation for the boy’s efforts.
Participating Scouts and leaders included: Brandon Cropley, Keagan Page, Adam Wilcox, Taylor Skinner, Parker Thompson, Daniel Roy, Donald Wilcox, Pam Wilcox, Tyler Jardine, Kody Brissette, Jacob Reed, Curtis Thompson, Christopher Hartman, Mike Thompson and Larry Harrison.

Dual anniversaries

Two special wedding anniversaries in the Sperrey family were recently celebrated together at the Perham Baptist Church. Atwood and Dorothy Sperrey were married on April 20, 1939, and  their son and daughter-in-law, Ronald and Norma, were also married on April 20, 1959. Making the circle complete, Norma’s parents, the late Frazier and Phyllis Earle, also took their wedding vows on April 20. This must have been convenient in helping all remember their anniversaries!
Atwood ant Dorothy (Alley) Sperrey’s wedding was held at his grandparents Everett and Cora Sperrey’s  home.. The home remains in the family and now belongs to Lyman and Velma Sperrey. They were married by the Reverend Lester Goodwin and their best man was Murray Allen Jr., and Glenna Sperrey was maid of honor.
Ronald and Norma Sperrey were married at the Washburn Baptist Church by Reverend Robert Brackley and their best man was Russell Smith and Anita Wheeler was maid of honor.
Approximately 90 people attended the 70th and 50th combined anniversaries held on Saturday, May 30.
All enjoyed the lunch and beautiful cake made by Torri Huston.
They also had a special luncheon at the Caribou Motor Inn on the actual date of their weddings, April 20.
Both couples also received many cards, gifts, phone calls and well wishes for this special occasion.

Christie Cochran is the correspondent for Washburn, Wade and Perham. She can be reached at 455-8034 or