Houlton’s Walk for Life set for next Thursday

Elna Seabrooks , Special to The County
15 years ago

    HOULTON, Maine — Games, music and face painting will help set the tone for a family-focused fund-raiser next Thursday evening when volunteers start registering for a two-mile walk to support the Pregnancy Care Center in Houlton.
    Executive Director Christie Corey says she’s hoping for equally beautiful weather as last year and an  equally successful event, as well. Supporters are underwriting the cost of prizes for top money raisers whose sponsors support them with donations.
The four age categories and prizes are: ages 6-10, a Nintendo DS; 11–14, a portable DVD player; 15–18,  a $100 Walmart gift card; 19 and over, a $100 Walmart gift card.
Military Street Baptist Church is supplying face painting, games and music during registration. Alice Lincoln is donating ice cream on behalf of Houlton Farms Dairy for sundaes.
Registration for the walk will take place from 5:30–6:30 p.m. at the Career Enhancement Center on North Street near TD Banknorth, Thursday, Aug. 20. For more information, contact the Pregnancy Care Center at 106 Main Street, Houlton, 532- 6380. Office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-4 p.m.