Whoa baby

15 years ago

Contributed photo
    The 4-H Baby beef Show and Auction were held last week during the Northern Maine Fair and Music Festival. Nathan McLaughlin of Fort Fairfield earned the title of Grand Champion, while Logan McLaughlin of Mars Hill was named Reserve Champion. Nathan’s 1,370-pound, Maine Anjou steer, Big Rig, fetched $3.05 a pound. MFX was the top bidder. Logan’s 1,520-pound, Simmental-cross steer, Curly Cue, went for $2.05 a pound, and Bob and Cathy Davis were the top bidders. Being congratulated are, from left: Nathan McLaughlin, judge Mark Cooper, from Cumberland County; Bruce Buck, co-leader of the Aroostook Valley 4-H Baby Beef Club, and Logan McLaughlin.