It’s a celebration! For 50 years, Potato Feast Days has been the culmination of the summer events for our community, and this year is no exception.
What began as a way to “create a community event that features our great agricultural product – potatoes” as set forth by the then Houlton Chamber of Commerce and Retail Trade Board, continues today. It’s an important tradition for so many reasons. Certainly recognizing the importance of potato farming is one of the major focuses. We simply can’t let the next generation and those to follow lose sight of what created the backbone of our communities, how potato farming made each community a harvest shopping delight, how the town came to life on Friday nights and Saturdays with the streets filled with shoppers spending their hard earned “potato” money. For many of us, it helped shape the people we’ve become. We realized that our role as a potato picker was critical for the farmer to reap his harvest, grateful for the money earned to purchase new clothes for the upcoming winter, the knowledge that in a matter of a few weeks, with the potato fields gleaned of their bounty, that it was all worthwhile. Those potatoes not only feed us locally but they feed families all across the country.
On Friday, Aug. 21 the Friends and Needles Quilt Guild will be celebrating its 25th anniversary. The Quilt Show is an event that is indescribable. It has to be seen to be fully appreciated. Don’t miss the opportunity throughout the weekend to view the workmanship and artistry of our many quilt makers and designers. It all happens at the Houlton Lodge of Elks on Main Street, Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Sunday, 12 – 4 p.m.
Also on Friday evening, the Parade of Dolls and Wagon Wranglers will take place at 5:30 p.m. starting at the Chamber of Commerce and proceeding down through Market Square and back to the Chamber. We are urging you to come to the parade. Where else will you see girls and boys dressed up with their dolls and carriages, stuffed animals and wagons in a parade by themselves? Please come.
Saturday, Aug. 22 is a full day of activities. Start your morning by shopping at Houlton’s Community Market that will be taking place on Broadway Street. Pick up some fresh vegetables and baked goods while you admire handmade items.
The local retailers will have sidewalk sales and great bargains for those back-to-school shoppers that you won’t want to miss. At 10 a.m. the Arts and Crafts Fair takes place in Monument Park. Crafters and artisans from around Maine will be on hand to showcase their talents. Throughout the day there will be kids’ games: children’s coin scramble, Mr. Potato Head Contest, Potato Picking, Potato Sack Races and more. Come and guess the Potatoes in a Barrel and win a prize. For the adults, there is our annual Potato Salad Contest and Ladies Potato Peeling Contest (and boy does that get competitive).
Something new this year will be Potato Row. We are asking our local fantastic cooks to prepare their favorite potato recipe in the following categories: breads, soups, casseroles, candy and desserts. The event will take place in the amphitheater at noon. Cash prizes will be awarded. All recipes will appear in next years’ Potato Recipe Cook Book published by the Chamber of Commerce.
Still haven’t found anything to do? On Mechanic Street, the Hot Diggity Dog events will be happening all day! Games, great food and a chance to adopt an animal looking for a good home will be there for your participation. Don’t forget to register your dog for the fashion show!
Saturday evening concludes with a roast pork and potato public supper at the Houlton United Methodist Church. The supper starts at 5 p.m.; tickets are adults $8, children $4. Supper includes roast pork, potatoes, vegetables and pie for dessert.
On Sunday, from noon until 4 p.m. you will have your last opportunity to attend the 25th anniversary Quilt Show at the Houlton Lodge of Elks.
Sunday from 12-1p.m. register for the Potato Feast Road Rally! Registrations will take place at the Millar Civic Center. For a $10 entry fee per vehicle, you will have an experience of a lifetime. Follow the directions given to you while answering questions along the route; it tests your mental agility and driving skills all at the same time. Cash prizes will be awarded.
Mark your calendars now for this weekend and we’ll see you there!