Clark establishes impressive voting record

15 years ago

    AUGUSTA — State Rep. Tyler Clark, a first-term legislator from Easton, compiled an outstanding voting record during the first session of the 124th Legislature, according to information provided by the Office of the Clerk of the House. The Republican lawmaker was present for 92.8 percent of all roll-call votes.      Clark said he considers it his duty to be present when the House is voting. He said voting is a central part of a legislator’s job and constituents expect their representatives to be in the House Chamber, especially for roll-call votes.
    The Legislature considered 1,496 bills during the first regular session and in the House a total of 251 roll-call votes were taken. Many bills passed by the House go “under the hammer” after coming out of committee with unanimous or near-unanimous support. Roll-call votes are usually requested for more contentious bills with divided committee reports. The Legislature will convene for the second regular session next January.
     Clark serves on the Legislature’s Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government. A native of Easton, he is the youngest Republican in the Maine Legislature. His House District includes Blaine, Bridgewater, Easton, Fort Fairfield, Mars Hill and Westfield.