The Happy Losers held its meeting Nov.11 at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls. Jackie Pratt, our leader led the opening with our pledge and roll call. We had 10 ladies weigh-in and 10 attended our meeting. Loretta Bouchard was the person who lost the most weight for the week, and Hilda Clukey was runner-up. Great job ladies! Reports for the week were given by our secretary and treasurer. The Harvest Moon team is still winning but the Autumn Leaves are closing in.
Hilda Clukey led the program for the week. Her topic was on an article called Diets and Arteritis. She also spoke on an article about margarine.
Please feel welcome to our group every Wed 8 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. For more information, call 365-4884.
by Lois Downing
HOULTON — The Houlton Council of Catholic Women met after the 11 a.m. Mass Sunday, Nov. 4 in the parish center with moderator Dave Raymond and guests, Rev. Ron LaBarre, Reinette Maxson, Mary Armour, Bill Roach, Sharon Lowery and Savannah Shaw. Traditional prayers were said.
The secretary’s report by Jane Stile and treasurer’s report by Bernette Roach were given and accepted. Lois Downing read correspondence.
The meeting was suspended for lunch and Fr. LaBarre gave the blessing. The meeting resumed after lunch.
Margaret Casey stated she is attempting to get information on ordering mats for the kitchen. Molly Bailey brought up the freezer needs and Father Dave stated that he will order one. The earnings from the International Dinner have not come forth, so Cruz-Cruz gave a report on that. She thanked everyone for their help.
Co-president Mary Grant reported on the Giving Tree project. A large donation of toys was received from Madeline Bridges, her niece from Connecticut, from a non-profit agency she works for. The tree will be erected in the church the weekend of November 21.
The next subject was state convention reported by Mary Grant held in Augusta at St. Andrew’s Church Oct. 24 and attended by Bishop Malone as principal celebrant. Criuz received Woman of the Year award, Council for second place for Seminarian fund, Houlton tied for most new members and second for members present.
The Houlton group was awarded a plaque for Community Service as our Bereavement Committee as the winning entry. Mary Grant spoke about the meeting of the Aroostook Area Agency on Aging with 17 people attending. She thanked all who helped in any way.
Molly Bailey thanked everyone concerning Bereavement Committee for state award and she was honored it had taken place.
Donations were given to the Thanksgiving dinner, church fuel fund, the Youth Ministry for Journey Retreat, Animal Shelter and Eastern Maine Aids Foundation. Janet Barker gave a report on the annual rummage sale and that it was a huge success. Lynette Dobbs gave a reading entitled “Half Me Half Boy.” Copies of the Guide to Praying the Rosary were given to all members from the Knights of Columbus.
A fund raiser will be given through Pizza Hut, on a Monday and will be announced as to the date.
Ethel Mersereau read Prayer for Priests. Prayer intentions were gathered.
Betty Ann Childers introduced guest speaker Rev. Ron LaBarre, our former interim priest over a year ago. Fr. LaBarre will celebrate 50 years of priesthood next May. His presentation was uplifting.
Fr. Dave won the door prize. Birthdays and anniversaries were acknowledged.
The next meeting will be December 7 with the tradtiional Yankee Swap.
by Lois Downing
The Purple Hat Society met in Linneus at Grammy’s Inn for its Tuesday, Nov. 10 meeting. Twenty-three ladies from surrounding communities attended. It was a fun meeting.
Charlotte Marley, leader, was in the group to greet everyone. Her friend Peggy Sanders was there also. Peggy is slated to have surgery in a few days. A memorial plaque, made by Don Marley, was passed around for everyone to see. On the plaque were names of the deceased: Tillie Townsend, Bunny Stewart and Velma Cale. It is a lovely memorial of those who have passed on.
Everyone gave their Purple Hat name after the offering of grace by Lois Downing.. Delores Locke helped to collect and Arlene Friel distributed the name tags. Bernice Campbell was presented with the Purple Hat shoe, a beautiful ceramic shoe with purple and yellow colors.
A meeting place for the Christmas gathering was discussed. The ladies will contribute to the Animal Shelter instead of individual gifts.Cindy Gray and Sandra Wyman were the readers of individual jokes and readings.
Attending from Oakfield were Delores Locke, Evelyn Burpee, Sandra Holmes, Alma Clark, Bernice Campbell, Jackie Kennedy and Elaine Barrett; Brenda Lacostic from Hodgdon.
From Presque Isle was Mildred Gagnon; from Merrill was Arlene Friel; from Smyrna: Cindy Gray, Peggy Sanders and Charlotte Marley; from Dyer Brook, Wannetta Townsend, Marie Gillotti and Sandy Wyman.
From Houlton, Betty Wyman, Paula Wyman, Margaret Dudley, Ethelyn Nealey, Rose Levesque and Lois Downing.
Please watch the Pioneer Times for the notice of the next meeting.
Kristen Allen was guest of honor at a baby shower on Oct. 11, given for her by her mother Sherri, Aunt Marcy, grandmother Linda and sister Kelsey. The shower was held at the Meduxnekeag Ramblers Snow Club.
Games were played, refreshments served and gifts opened. Her cake was made by Patty Schools.
Those attending were Phyllis Tidd, Denise and Stephanie Challoux, Amanda Crain, Pay Hayes, Jen, Chloe and Brianna Wotton, Lisa Malone, Jessica Perry, Shona Murphy, Kayla and Madison Schools, Patty Schools, Martha, Trevor and Faith Schools, Shree and Miley Lysette, Barb Tompkins, Alexis and Sidney Schools, Jen, Morgan, Lindzi and Broch Nelson, Janette Parady, Anita Lewin, Molly Clark, Wanda Treworgy, Annette Brewer, Tanya, Crystal, Brenna, Alyaha and Nonie Schools.
Sending gifts but unable to attend were Shirley Dunphy and Jeanette Sherman.
Kristin wishes to thank everyone that attended and made her shower special. She received numerous gifts and well wishes for her and baby girl Cheyanne.
Pot luck in Island Falls
Island Falls Senior Citizens met on Nov. 5, for a potluck luncheon at the municipal building.
After the Lord’s prayer and flag salute, the meeting was called to order by President Terry Dwyer.
Secretary and treasurers’ reports were read and accepted.
The Thanksgiving dinner will be at SACHS on Nov. 17, and the price is $3.75.
A sympathy card was signed and sent to the Armstrong family.
Next meeting is on Nov. 19, and this will be a Thanksgiving dinner. Tom Clarke will entertain.
Motion was made and seconded to give a donation to Agape Food Pantry.
The “game” was played and enjoyed by all.
Those present were Mary Lawler, Gloria Noyes, Helen Sherman, Gladys Corniel, Jim and Shirley D’Angelo, Gladys Ferguson, Verna MacArthur, Ellie Peck, Ursula Levesque, Jean Clements, Edward Dwyer, Marjorie Nicholson, Terry Dwyer, Mary Pipes and Edith Dwyer.