A ‘thank you’ to NMCC and a call for volunteers

15 years ago

To the editor:
    Thank you, Northern Maine Community College (NMCC). For over 20 years through the IRS VITA/TCE program, faculty and students at NMCC have prepared thousands of federal and state income tax for local area citizens. The program is a valuable asset to the community with many repeat “customers”. Furthermore, it has provided an excellent opportunity for students to put into immediate practice skills learned in the classroom as well as a chance to hone their “people skills”. And, showing participation as a tax volunteer is a definite positive on a resume.     NMCC’s many years of dedication and commitment to this tax program needs to be acknowledged and shared. Thank you again NMCC for providing this valuable service to the community.
    Growth in recent years, including record enrollment this academic year have placed a significant strain on faculty loads and facilities to the extent that NMCC will be unable to offer this program for the upcoming filing season. “It has been our privilege to provide this service to the residents of Aroostook County and although our students and faculty will miss the interaction we have had with the community, it is in the college’s best interest at this time to use its limited resources to meet the needs of our students.” said NMCC President Timothy Crowley. “We will encourage our students and staff to volunteer with the AARP to help the need for individuals to assist with income tax preparation.”
    UMPI has agreed to provide the space, computers and printers for tax preparation for the upcoming tax filing season. Like NMCC, it does not however have sufficient faculty to train and work with the students. Hence, volunteers from the local area are needed to make appointments, greet taxpayers and to prepare tax returns. Volunteering with the AARP Tax-Aide program (part of the IRS VITA/TCE program) is a rewarding volunteer activity that only requires a commitment in the winter months.
    Taxpayers of all ages can take advantage of the tax program and volunteers do not need to be “of a certain age” to volunteer. Your help is needed now. Please consider volunteering for this tax program that has been in the community for so many years. Without your help, many who have been helped in the past may need to be turned away.
    To learn more, contact Lowell Glidden, area coordinator, at 207-769-7651 or at logme@mfx.net.

Joan Jagolinzer, coordinator
AARP Tax-Aide/Maine