by Lois Downing
Hello everyone! Once again we’re talking about the weather. More cold days than not but we are still blessed in this part of the country. Thank you, Lord.
Many of the ladies are sick with colds. Carolyn Carmichael is better and now Elinor has been “under the weather,” as has been Helen Brewer. Get better, ladies.
Here’s some facts about the month of February: flower, viola plant and primrose, birthstone, amethyst; Groundhog Day, Feb. 2, Valentine Day, Feb. 14; Presidents Day, Feb. 15, also Black History Month as well as Heart Disease Awareness Month, National Cancer Prevention Month and Safety Awareness Month. I hope we can all observe this titles.
Our regular bulbs have been replaced by CFL bulbs. The second and third floors will be done this week. CFLs are more efficient than the regular bulbs and last about seven years, I’m told.
We were sorry to learn of the death of Wilma Hemore, several weeks ago. Wilma lived on the third floor here a long time ago, and then went to the Gardiner facility. Wilma was quiet, she liked to play bingo and we liked having her. When she left, we missed her. May she rest in peace.
Marc Blanchette of Houlton is appealing to the public for Stations of the Cross that hung in St. Monica’s Church in Cary for over 90 years. Seven of these are still missing. Some have been returned to St. Mary of the Visitation Church in Houlton. If you know where they might be, please call Marc at 538-8241 or St. Mary’s Rectory at 532-2871. Thank you.
Did you know that your body is 60 percent water. Water gets nutrients to the muscles and brain and also creates sweat to keep your temperature normal. You can lose nearly a quart of water while exercising. Drink before you workout or walk. Take water on walks and sip regularly. Regular exercise lowers the risk of breast cancer.
Norma Bates has moved—across the hall from her old place. Norma is very happy there and is glad she could make the change. Her family helped her plus some of the neighbors.
Thanks to our “angel” for cleaning the snow off the parked cars in our parking lot. It is a great help and I for one thank you sincerely.
My thought for the day is: “In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:6). Keep warm, a good attitude and keep your health up to par. Thanks for listening and have a good week.
Oakfield Seniors Gather
On Wednesday Jan. 20, the Oakfield Senior Citizens met at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile Clubhouse in Oakfield. After a great potluck luncheon the business meeting was opened with the Lord’s Prayer and Flag Salute. Reports were read and accepted by Delores Locke, treasurer; Charlotte Marley, substitute secretary; and Wannetta Townsend, card secretary.
Ursula Levesque won the 50/50 raffle. Jim Blois and Kathleen Boutilier celebrated their birthdays in January. Please bring a signed Valentine to our next meeting on Feb. 3.
Jeanne Clements, Auctioneer opened the auction with many beautiful and useful items being bid on and taken home by happy club members.
A total of18 members and one guest attended. They included: Linda Bartlett, Joyce Manship, Jim Blois, Louise Farrar, Kathleen Boutilier, Donna Furrow, Martha Chapados, Helen Blois, Wannetta Townsend, Jeanne Clements, Charlotte Marley, Arlene Friel, Bob Locke, Marie Gillotti, Don Marley, Ursula Levesque, Delores Locke, Gladys Corneil, Mary Lawler.
For more information on the Oakfield Senior Citizens group, call Arlene Friel at 757-8248.