Island Falls Happenings

15 years ago

By Riva Hawkes
    On Jan. 24, a potluck supper was held at the Whittier Congregational Church with former pastor, Michael Kasevich as special guest. Kasevich had been pastor of the Whittier Church for four years while attending the Bangor Theological Seminary and for the past year has been a full-time pastor of the Congregational church in Old Monroe, Mo.
    He arrived in Bangor last week to attend a conference at the seminary and the next day drove to Island Falls to meet with his former parishoners and his many friends. While here, he was an overnight guest of Candy and Don McKellar, leaving Thursday for a return flight to Missouri.
    I had a recent phone call from Dick and Claudette Delong, former residents now living in Brooksville, Fla. They had been having very cold weather there and many of their plants and young trees were badly hit by the low temperature.
    The weekly country jamboree held at the snowmobile club house is still having a good crowd and this past week they had their monthly potluck dinner, with lots of good food being consumed. Clayton Webb and wife, Charlene go every week and Clayton still gets up and sings several songs and Charlene usually has lots of goodies to bring to this evening of good entertainment.
    I am now venturing out every day to feed all my feathered friends and during this cold spell have put out a lot of the peanut-butter and lard mixture and the woodpeckers really like it along with the little chickadees. Have a big flock of gold finch that arrive every morning so it takes a couple of trips to the feeder each day to keep them all happy Have had fresh deer tracks in my back yard so know that there are deer around. This a.m. saw one way down back feeding on some bushes. Will put out some old bread for them and some cut-up apples.