Washburn Scouts attend ceremony, Sunday service

15 years ago

Washburn Scouts attend ceremony, Sunday service

By Christie Cochran
Special to the Star-Herald

    On Saturday, Feb. 6, Cub Scout Pack 162 held their annual Blue and Gold Banquet, and Bryce Roix graduated from Webelos into Boy Scout Troop 177. He and his parents, Tim and Lee Roix, were welcomed to the troop by Scouts and leaders. 

  Roix has earned the Arrow of Light, the highest award in Cub Scouting. As part of the welcoming ceremony, he received a new troop neckerchief, placed on him by Scoutmaster Larry Harrison. He was also given his Eagle Patrol patch, Boy Scout handbook, red shoulder loops and a merit badge sash.
  Following the ceremony, the troop held a Court of Honor, presenting advancement that had been earned by Scouts and leaders since November of 2009.
    In celebration of Boy Scout Week, Scouts and leaders from Boy Scout Troop 177 and Cub Scout Pack 162 attended services at the Crouseville Advent Church on Sunday, Feb. 7, and were warmly welcomed by Pastor Paul Carter and the congregation. It has been several years since the Scouts had attended the Crouseville Church, and this visit was especially enjoyed by all participants.
  As part of celebrating the 100th anniversary of Boy Scouting in America, the Troop and Pack have been taking part in many activities promoting Scouting in our community. Those attending were: Cub Master Stacey Skinner; Cub Scouts Carvor Pendexter, Alex Hyde, Aaron Skinner, Reed Plummer, Noah White; Assistant Scout Leader Ronald Rand; Scoutmaster Larry Harrison; Scouts Parker Thompson, Brandon Cropley, Taylor Skinner and Tyler Jardine; and Assistant Scout Leader Randy Thompson.


ImagePhoto courtesy of Christie Cochran
    SCOUTS VISIT CHURCH — Members of Boy Scout Troop 177 and Cub Scout Pack 162 recently visited the Crouseville Advent Christian Church, in celebration of Boy Scout Week. Those attending, front row, from left: Cub Master Stacey Skinner; and Cub Scouts Carvor Pendexter, Alex Hyde, Aaron Skinner, Reed Plummer and Noah White. Back row, from left: Assistant Scout Leader Ronald Rand; Scoutmaster Larry Harrison; Scouts Parker Thompson, Brandon Cropley, Taylor Skinner and Tyler Jardine; and Assistant Scout Leader Randy Thompson.










Photo courtesy of Christie CochranImage
    FAMILY TRADITION — The Scott family has a three-generation history in Scouting. Those pictured in the photo are children and grandchildren of former Boy and Girl Scout leaders Wilburn and the late Cecile Scott, of Crouseville. Pictured, from left: Vickie Croteou, Roger Scott, Ryan Scott, Nathan Scott, Russell Scott and Gordon Scott.  All of the boys and men earned their Eagle Award and Vickie earned the Girl Scout Gold Award. Vickie, Roger, Russell and Gordon are the children of Wilburn and Cecile; and Ryan and Nathan are sons of Russell.










ImagePhoto courtesy of Christie Cochran
    SCOUT CEREMONY — Those attending the Boy Scout crossover ceremony were, front row, from left: Ronald Rand, Tyler Jardine, Parker Thompson, Bryce Roix, Taylor Skinner and Brandon Cropley. Back row, from left: Larry Harrison, Stacey Skinner, Adam Wilcox, Donald Wilcox, Daniel Roy and Randy Thompson.










Photo courtesy of Amy White Image
    CUB SCOUT PACK 162 of Washburn participated in the annual Pinewood Derby in January. Pictured in front, from left: Andrew Keller, Aaron Skinner, Ashton Henry, Reed Plummer and Alexander Hyde.  In back, from left: Carvor Pendexter, Noah White and Ryan Cole.