Team Cancer Crushers benefit dance set for April 3 at Fort Fairfield VFW

15 years ago

    “A world with less cancer has more birthdays” is the theme of the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life.
    Team Cancer Crushers, made up of members from Houlton to Caribou, in conjunction with the Fort Fairfield VFW Ladies Auxiliary, is sponsoring a “Birthday Celebration Dance Benefit” to take place April 3 at the Fort Fairfield VFW to raise monies for cancer research, treatment and education.
    Tickets for the dance are $10 in advance ($12 at the door) and will feature some great items to be raffled off, generously donated by local and Maine businesses. Luminaries will also be available for purchase.
    “Happy hour” is from 8-9 p.m. and the dance will run until 1a.m. Entertainment will be provided by DJ Jonny Blues.
    Please note this event is for adults 21 and over. IDs will be checked at the door.
    For more information, please contact Tamra Keaton (Presque Isle area) at 496-6481 or Jon McQuarrie (Houlton area) at 694-6639.
    Team Cancer Crushers is a group of volunteers banded together to participate in the Aroostook County Relay for Life at Caribou High School on June 4 and 5.