Riding bikes
By Dalton Henderson
Ethan and I are riding bikes on the trail.
We saw a deep, deep mud puddle, and we crashed in the deep, deep mud puddle.
Ouch! Ouch!
I fell on my knee. It broke my bone.
By Dannica Langlois
My brother and I played basketball.
He went first. Then I went second.
I made a basket.
Then my brother said, “Good job,” because I won.
Riding horses
By Monique Polchies
I went to Joyce’s house to ride a horse It was fun. The horse liked me. I felt happy because the horse went fast.
Eating Out
By Skylie Bartlett
I met Mrs. McCarthy’s brother and sister. We sat behind them at Elm Tree. We ate. I had water to drink and spaghetti and meatballs. I love eating out.
By Owen Bolstridge
When it’s spring I’m going
to go to the pet store to buy
a snake. When I get the snake I’m going to put it in a cage. I’m going to be happy.
Puss Puss
By Emily Stewart
Prince Puss Puss died last Saturday. He had brain
problems. He loved blankets and mittens.
He went to heaven.