Health Care Reforrm Act

15 years ago

To the editor:
    I’d like to thank Mike Michaud for having the courage to vote for the Health Care Reform Act.     Given what it took to pass it, it’s a major step toward what the rest of the industrialized world provides its citizens. But, still, I think it makes the “greatest nation in the World” look more like the “cheapest nation in the World”. I, for one, am ready to pay more taxes to help out our less fortunate citizens.
    But, more importantly, I think he just helped give the GOP a richly deserved slap in the face. Ever since “W”, the GOP has betrayed the principles they continually tout (small government, fiscal responsibility, etc.) so badly that only people that dote on the Fox News circus or worship demagogues like Rush Limbaugh can “reasonably” vote for the GOP. Additionally. what about the GOP’s support for the military…? Hah! “W” and his GOP pals have so abused our military that it’ll be a long time before we’re able to fight a real war again! Add to that, their abysmal treatment of vets with multiple, honorably served enlistments who acted badly because of PTSD and got kicked out without benefits due to “personality disorders” they supposedly had before they ever enlisted!
    So, then, think about why the GOP has decided to do everything they can to prevent President Obama and the Congress from governing effectively. I’m betting that it’s because they hope to make the Obama years look worse than the “W” years! If they can do that, they’ll have one thing besides fear to run on. Know what? Preventing the government from governing is downright anti-American!

Mike Morrison
Fort Fairfield