To the editor:
To all those who have been volunteering at the Merrill Millstream Park, the Board of Selectmen and I would like to thank you. The Park is looking awesome!
This past Saturday, a large work crew showed up yet again to volunteer a day of labor at the Park. Local businesses donated tractors, excavators, loam, gravel, grass seed, and a convoy of dump trucks to make necessary improvements at the Merrill Millstream Park. It is amazing that so many people have volunteered time, equipment, supplies and money for this project when our population is just over 200!
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who has been working in this project since the beginning of the project. Some of you have been working almost daily and some of you have attended the scheduled “work days” — it has all been appreciated very much. We have kept a list of volunteer workers, along with a list of donations, however because work got done at times when no one was there to record the names. We would like to list everyone, but are fearful of missing a name.
We also want to extend our appreciation to the citizens who picked litter along the sides of the roads to help beautify our town. We really appreciate the flag crew, who spent more than a few hours putting flags on the poles along the roadsides in honor of our Veterans.
It has been very exciting to witness this project unfolding and we are confident that the Millstream Park will be the perfect setting for the site of the Merrill Centennial Celebration August 14-15, 2010.
Candy Nevers
Town Manager
Town of Merrill