Willette announces run for House District 7

15 years ago

    MAPLETON — Aroostook County native Alexander Willette has announced his intention to run for the Maine House of Representatives District 7 seat. The 7th District includes the towns of Castle Hill, Chapman, Hammond, Littleton, Mapleton, Masardis, Monticello, part of Presque Isle, Wade, Washburn, Oxbow Plantation and the unorganized territory of Central Aroostook.
    “Augusta cannot continue down its current path. The great state of Maine faces a budget deficit that has been caused by 30 plus years of mismanagement. Each and every day, Mainers are forced to swap the oil bill for the mortgage. We as citizens survive on budgets and live within our means. It is time that our government in Augusta does the same.”
    Willette has led numerous efforts to restore fiscal discipline in Augusta. He worked hard to defeat the Beverage Tax in 2008, collecting signatures and organizing volunteers that led to its repeal. His recent efforts include the repeal initiative of LD 1495, which seeks to raise taxes on over 100 items, at a time when Mainers can least afford it.
    Willette noted, “I grew up in Aroostook County. I have seen the Maine work ethic, and I know what Mainers are capable of. It is time to reduce the tax burden on Maine families and businesses and put our people back to work. As I knock on doors, I hear your concerns. It is time someone stands up for Aroostook County and fights for County values.”
    He is also a strong proponent of saving the outdoor heritage of Northern Maine.  
    “As legislators from Southern Maine and outside organizations fight to turn our portion of the state into conservation land, I will fight to open it up for business. We can protect the beauty of Aroostook County while at the same time utilize our natural resources to provide Mainers with well paying jobs,” Willette said.
    A graduate of Presque Isle School, Willette currently works as a real estate agent with Big Bear Real Estate and in the accounting office at Wal-Mart. Growing up in Aroostook taught him the meaning of hard work and what it can bring. Willette will bring those values to Augusta and is ready to bring about accountability to the Statehouse.