Any-deer permit applications online
AUGUSTA – The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife is accepting applications for the annual Any-Deer (Antlerless) Permit Lottery, and hunters will find it easy to enter online.
To apply, go to and select “Any Deer Permit” from the top or right side of the screen.
The department no longer mails paper applications to hunters who have entered in past lotteries. By moving the application process online, hunters are finding it faster and easier to enter and receive instant confirmation that their entry has been accepted.
The department is issuing 48,825 any-deer (antlerless) permits this year for Wildlife Management Districts 12, 13, 15-17, 20-26, 29. It is “bucks only” in all other Wildlife Management Districts.
The permit allocation is: 32,907 for residents; 12,208 for landowners; 2,649 for non-residents; and 1,061 for Superpack holders. (Superpack and landowners must meet certain requirements. See the department’s website for more information.)
The deadline for online applications is 11:59 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 16.
The drawing will be held on Sept. 10.
If an applicant does not have access to a computer or the Internet at home, we offer the following suggestions:
• Use a computer at work during break or lunch;
• Use a computer at your local library or Internet café;
• Ask a friend or relative with a computer for help.
If those options are not available, please visit one of our 840 licensing agents and they will assist you in applying online. There is an additional $2 processing fee if you apply online through an agent.
Applicants must possess a valid Maine license to hunt big game in order to apply or a valid Superpack license to apply for a Superpack deer permit. (The Superpack license is available to Maine residents only.)
If you applied online for an any-deer permit last year, all of your information is pre-filled into this year’s online application. To start, type in your first name, last name and date of birth as you printed it on last year’s application. We’ll look up your information. Please review your personal data and make any necessary changes.
If you fill out an application this year – and happen to move or change your phone number before the application deadline – you can go online and edit your previously submitted any-deer permit application.
Once you’ve filled out your application, you’ll be able to print out a confirmation page. Also, a confirmation will be e-mailed to you. This way you have a printed record of the day/time of your application as well as all of the information you provided to us.
For more information about the Any-Deer Permit Lottery, visit our website at and select “Any-Deer Permit” at the top or right side of the screen.