Houlton Pioneer Times Photo/Elna Seabrooks The Hodgdon Cub Scout Pack 155 recently raised $80 to support Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation. The non-profit organization, now a national movement, is named in memory of young cancer patient Alexandra Scott who announced 10 years ago that she wanted to hold a lemonade stand to find a cure for all children with cancer. She died at age 8 in 2004 from neuroblastoma. Pack 155 is newly formed and decided to host the lemonade stand as their first project. Participants from left are: Darcy Tidd, assistant Cub Master; Melony Lowery, Cub Master; Ross Lowery, 8; Gabe Ledger, 8 and Dylan Tidd, 7. Other Cub Scouts not present for the photo are: Ian Bolstridge, Owen Bolstridge and William Belyea.