Community Notebook

14 years ago

Happy Losers meet
The Happy Losers held their weekly meeting at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls on Aug.4. Our leader opened the meeting with our pledge and roll call. We had 10 ladies weigh-in and nine attended our class.
Our secretary and treasurer gave reports for the week. Shirley Sides was the person who lost the most weight for the week; and Jane Fitzgerald and Jackie Pratt were runners-up. On July 28th Jackie Pratt was the loser of the week and Dotty Rand was runners-up. We want to thank Phil for reading our article every week.
We all enjoyed our summer outing at Gilmore’s in Lincoln. Our leader led the program for the week. Her topic was on an article called Nutrient Secrets, regarding dairy products. Please feel welcome to our group every Wed 8 a.m. to 8:45a.m. for weigh-ins and 9 a.m. meeting starts. Call 365-4884 for more info.

Sherman Seniors gather
The Sherman Senior Citizens Club met at the Sherman gym for an 11:30 potluck lunch and discussed the need for deciding where we will go on our fall outing to enjoy the noon meal and colored fall foliage, along the way, in early October.
Our next meeting will be held at the Sherman gym; potluck lunch at 11:30 a.m., August 18.
We had some fun games of Bingo after lunch. A food sale will be held at the bandstand on September 11. Mark your calendars.
Virginia Clements has moved to east Millinocket and appeared to tell us of this change. We hope she will be a guest and not forget her Sherman friends. Please come when you can, Virginia.
Present were: Fred and Annie Atkinson Donna Grass, Eva Perry, Bonita Staples, Mary Lawler, and Joan O’Roak.

Island Falls news
Paula Chamberlain and her mother, Pauline Robbins arrived this past week to spend about three weeks here, staying at Vacationland and also at the Chamberlain cottage on lower Mattawamkeag Lake. She and her mother enjoy touring around the County and visiting with family here.
Ran into Jannette Parady the other day and I am happy to report that she is slowly recovering from the major surgery that she had earlier in the summer .
Sam Sewall is now at home after spending several weeks at the Sewall cottage on Lower Mattawakmeag Lake with his family. Both daughters have now returned to their homes—one in Scarborough and one in Michigan. Tom Hawkes was a recent visitor here in July when he came to attend the memorial service for his aunt, Madelyn Hawkes.
Have filled in a few of the skunk holes but I am afraid it is a losing battle as more appear during the night. Still will keep on, regardless. Have one blueberry bush that this year had yielded, so far, about three quarts of blueberries and still some green ones that will be picked as soon as they ripen. This is the first time that bush has borne that many and I think I am tired of picking the things. But, they will be good this winter.
Still put out a few sunflower seeds for the little birds and keep an eye on the stray cat so he won’t get any of them. About a week ago spied a doe coming out of the woods way down back and right behind her came two young fawn, still with spots, who followed her progress up the side fo my lawn, chewing on different trees as they went, then off into the woods quite close to the house. Hope they come again—-fun to watch the young ones leaping and cavorting about.

Patten Seniors convene
The Patten Senior Citizens met at Meadowbrook Manor on August 3 with 14 members and two guests present.
The Lord’s Prayer was recited in unison by the members before the baked ham dinner.
After the meal, the business meeting was opened by President Annette Noyes, who also led the flag salute.
Secretary and treasurer reports were read and accepted.
Cards were signed and sent to Steve and Sheila Giles, Dr. Hrynick, Oden Willigar, Karen Hall, Brenda Raymond and Colleen Martin.
A reading was given by President Noyes.
Marilyn Somers will look for someone to assess the condition of the piano and find out if it is able to be tuned.
The Game was played.
Jackie Palmer will make the birthday cake for the August 17th meeting.
Members present were Jackie Palmer, Joyce Harvey, Marilyn Somers, Annette Noyes, Nettie Shorey, Gloria Noyes, Mary Lawler, Rubenia Botting, Mabel Winship, Barbara Porter, Joyce Hunter, Marge Heath, Mary Cox, Maxine Brackett and Gini Garrett, RSVP coordinator and Connie Berry.
Tops 0233 Houlton
TOPS 0233 met August 6 for our weekly meeting at the Aldergate building on Kelleran St.
Eighteen members weighed in.
Loser of the week was Joanne Scott with runner-up Janice Shaw. Mystery gift was won by Brenda LaCostic.
Co-leader Betty Ivey led the meeting in absence of Joyce Estey.
Maurine Bird gave us some exercises to do – good job, Maurine. One of our members had a good program on “Dreams do Come True”. She also gave out packets to people who were half way to their goals. Each item meant something to do with achieving these goals. She also read a couple of poems, one really funny one.
The next meeting is Friday, August 13, with weigh-in at 7:45 a.m. and meeting starting at 9, lasting about an hour.
Everyone is welcome. FMI call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653.

Oakfield Seniors
The Oakfield senior citizens met Aug. 4 with 21 members present. After a great lunch we had the Lord’s Prayer and the flag salute led by Bon Locke, who talkied about the float some of the members are making for the Merril parade.
The treasurer’s report and the secretary’s reports were read. Bob told every one to be thinking about where they would like to go on a fall trip. We will make a decision at our next meeting on Aug 18. Wanetta gave the card report and Marie as usual did a good job decorating.
Everyone is welcome on the first and third, Wednesday of the month. Attending were Tessie Barrett, Linda Bartlette, Genva Bell, Katherine Boutlier, Merle and Evelyn Burpee, Jeanne Clemments, Arlene Friel, Marie Gillotti, Sandra and Wendall Holmes, Ursula Levesque, Bob and Deloes Locke, Don and Charlotte Marley, Doreen Messina, Pete Peters, Peggy and Larry Sanders, Wanetta Townsend, Janice Roy and Hazel Beers.