Superior court

15 years ago

Superior court

    CARIBOU — The following cases were heard at the Aroostook County Superior Court during the month of April.


    Freeman J. Deabay III, 39, Ashland: driving to endanger, $700 fine, 20 days in jail and 60-day license suspension, OUI, two priors, dismissed, and operating vehicle without license-cond/restric., filed on $600 costs.
    Eric A. Ericson, 58, Washburn: unlawful sexual contact and sexual abuse of minor, five years in prison (each), and gross sexual assault, 17 years in prison all but 12 years suspended and four years’ probation.
    Jose Santos Garciagarcia, 33, Presque Isle: criminal threatening with dangerous weapon, obstructing report of crime and criminal mischief, 90 days in jail (each).
    Steven L. Graves, 22, Fort Fairfield: unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, $500 fine and 10 days in jail, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 fine and 10 days in jail, OUI, $500 fine and 90-day license suspension.
    Christopher M. Haines, 24, Woodland: probation violation, 45 days in jail, probation partially revoked, probation continued.
    Tina Hammond, 48, Ashland: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.
    Edward E. Hansell, 39, Presque Isle: OUI, one prior, $700 fine, 30 days in jail and three-year license suspension, andoperating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine.
    Loraine J. Johnson, 43, Limestone: assault (three counts) and violating condition of release, not guilty (each).
    Jonathan M. Judkins, 25, Caribou: OUI, $500 fine and 90-day license suspension.
    Lisa A. Lovely, 42, Westfield: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer and tampering with public records or information, 30 days in jail (each).
    Travis C. McDonald, 23, Presque Isle: criminal mischief, $300 fine and $729.50 restitution.
    Daniel L. Morin, 53, Fort Kent: OUI, two priors, $1,100, two years in prison all but 30 days suspended, two years’ probation and four-year license suspension.
    Shannon C. Nichols, 32, Fort Fairfield: unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, $400 fine, two years in prison all but 90 days suspended and two years’ probation.
    Fernand J. Pelletier, 58, Van Buren: criminal trespass and criminal mischief, filed without costs (each).
    Joshua M. Pelletier, 21, St. John Plt.: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer (three counts), six months in jail (each), burglary, dismissed, forgery, six months in jail, theft by unauthorized use of property (two counts), six months in jail (each), operating while license suspended or revoked, OUI, $250 fine and six months in jail, operating while license suspended or revoked (two counts), $250 fine and six months in jail (each), violating condition of release (two counts), six months in jail (each), failing to stop for an officer, six months in jail and theft by receiving stolen property, six months in jail.
    Amie Marie Saucier, 24, Woodland: unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 fine and unlawful furnishing of scheduled drug, dismissed.
    Michael J. Thibeault, 27, Presque Isle: probation violation, 120 days in jail, probation partially revoked, probation continued.
    Trevor M. Tompkins, 22, Ashland: probation violation, 54 days in jail and probation revoked.
    Jason I. Wright, 25, Presque Isle: OUI, one prior, $700 fine, seven days in jail and 18 months’ license suspension, and operating after habitual offender revocation, $500 fine and 30 days in jail.