Nate Smith for District 6

14 years ago

Nate Smith for District 6

To the editor:
    The history of Aroostook County is rooted in its land and in its people. At a time when both the land and the residents of The County face tough times, we need to elect someone who has shown both leadership and stewardship. At the age of 59, Nathan Smith has shown himself time and again to possess both these qualities and more. 

    A life-long Aroostook County farmer and cattleman, Nate has spent his life serving county residents in various capacities including terms on the Blaine Town Council as chairman. His willingness to serve and give of his time shows a man who can be trusted to work tirelessly for not only those in District 6, but all of Aroostook County.
    From a two-room schoolhouse in Robinson to graduating from the University of Maine at Presque Isle with a degree in political science, Nate has valued education not only for himself, but for his family as well. He and his late and beloved wife Ruth raised and educated five wonderful children who represent the Smith family very well in their own right. From a teacher at Central Aroostook to a daughter working with the deaf and everything in-between, Nate’s children have followed closely the example he and Ruth set.
    If you agree that knowledge and love of the land is needed to make decisions about agriculture, then you should vote for Nate Smith. If you value the benefits of service to one’s neighbors and the need to keep the roots of Aroostook County refreshed by someone who loves his home and his fellow citizens, then vote for Nate Smith for State Representative for District 6.

David and Gayle Beckom
Mars Hill