By Natalie Bazinet
Staff Writer
LIMESTONE — There will be a Town Meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 20 at 6:15 p.m. at the Municipal Building in Limestone to grant the Selectpeople authority to purchase the land for the new Limestone Manor boarding home. As discussed during the Oct. 6 Selectpeople meeting, citizens of the town need to approve the purchase of the land in order for AN agreement between the town and the Davis Long Term Group, owner of Limestone Manor, to move forward.
During the meeting, selectpeople Tom Devoe, Jimmy Pelletier and Chair Walt Elliott also approved to continue the agreement the town has with St. Agatha for a joint wells and septic grant. The cooperation between the two towns has been going on for about 10 years, and Selecteople decided to continue with the interlocal agreement.
Tax abatement was discussed by the Selectpeople as well, approving the majority of the approximately 10 requests received. One request for an abatement regarding a structure that was torn down after the April 1 assessment was denied, much to the displeasure of the individual requesting the abatement. The selecpeople heard his grievances, but asserted that their decision to deny abatement was in accordance with state law.
Presenting the town manager’s report was Marlene Durepo, Town Clerk, who informed the Selectpeople that the new furnace in the municipal building is up and running. She also informed the board that the Limestone Code Enforcement Officer Rebecca McBreairty requested that the Selectpeople grant an extension for a homeowner who would miss the deadline to bring their property up to code. In her request, she explained that the homeowner was cooperating with the town in bringing the structure back up to code, but had been unable to meet the deadline due to weather constraints. The Selectpeople approved the extension, granting the homeowner until Oct. 20 to bring the structure up to code.
During the elected officials’ reports, Pelletier shared some positive feedback with other members of the board. Apparently a local business owner had commented on their satisfaction with the Limestone Police Department. Pelletier also stated that he’d received comment from a local family regarding their satisfaction with the new director of the Recreation Department, Amanda Brooker, stating that she had established numerous activities for Limestone youths and adults to participate in.
During the public comments period, Limestone Police Officer John Deveau offered a clarification to an article that ran in last week’s Aroostook Republican, stating that the new Crime Scene Unit that’s been added to the department’s fleet was not a new vehicle, rather a conversion of the pre-existing 2006 Ford Explorer obtained in 2008.
The next meeting of the Limestone Selectpeople is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the Municipal Building following the 6 p.m. town meeting.