To the editor:
On Nov. 2, Maine people will have the chance to vote in support of the Land for Maine’s Future (LMF) program. 1 encourage you to vote “Yes” on Question 3.
The LMF program has already guaranteed that 250,000 acres of working forest stay open for hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, hiking and other outdoor activities, while remaining in private hands managed for forest products.
LMF has provided money to protect rivers, lakes, wildlife habitat, trails working forests, working waterfront, farm, and other important areas in every county of the state. Question 3 will authorize $9.75 million to further protect these types of lands. Without this bond, the state will have no funds to protect these areas; lands that are important to our heritage and our economy.
This program will serve our economy by protecting the backbone of our natural resource based industries and it serve our people both by providing greater public access to Maine’s outdoors and by protecting our heritage. Please join me in voting ”Yes” on Question 3 for the future of our working forests.
At Gerald Pelletier, Inc. we are proud in harvesting some these lands which in turn again serves the economy by providing jobs for woodsman and aiding in unemployment in Maine. Again I encourage you to vote “Yes” on Question 3.
Rudy Pelletier
Gerald Pelletier & Sons