Chase-Smith compete for seats in District 5
Full name and age:
Jessica Lynn Chase Smith
Presque Isle
What seat are you running for? Maine State House of Representatives District 5, Presque Isle.
What other political offices have you held? If none, what other offices, honors or titles have you earned? State Committee Woman for Aroostook County to the Maine State Republican Committee.
What is your career background? Small business manager, I managed local convenience stores and assisted with several family businesses. I have worked in both the public and private sector, including in the healthcare community.
What made you decide to run for this office? As a small business manager, I am disgusted with how Augusta is mismanaging our state. That is also why I am running traditionally financed. I could not look people in the eye while the state is closing schools, refusing to repair roads and defaulting on their obligations to our hospitals if I was using tax dollars to fund my campaign.
What do you see as the most important issue facing the community you will serve? People can no long afford to live and work in Maine. We need to encourage businesses to come to Maine and support the ones that are already here. We need to change Augusta’s priorities — get it focused on running the state and not running lives or businesses. We also need to address wasteful spending to ensure every Mainer gets the greatest return for their tax dollar.
What do you see as your primary goal, if elected? One of the major things I want address is campaign finance reform. In a time when the state is closing schools, refusing to repair roads, and defaulting on their obligations to hospitals it is irresponsible to use tax dollars to fund personal political campaigns. I will also advocate for allowing health insurance to be purchased out of state in order to dramatically reduce the cost of health insurance to all Maine businesses and families. My goal is not to use government to make jobs or make Maine better but to get Augusta out of the way and let Mainers solve many of these problems themselves. Ultimately, what I would like to do is put an end to partisan politics so that common sense and accountability can be brought to Augusta.
Why should people vote for you? I consider myself as independently-minded. I am willing to listen to good ideas regardless of where they come from and like Margaret (Chase-Smith) I am willing to call out people for their hypocrisy regardless of party. I will, above all else, represent the people of Presque Isle and bring their voice to Augusta. This isn’t about me and it isn’t an ego exercise for me, this is about the people. Because, like Margaret said “Public service must be more than doing a job efficiently and honestly, it must be a complete dedication to the people and to the nation.”