Local government needs scrutiny
To the editor:
The Aroostook County Commissioners reported they found no wrong doings of Sheriff James Madore’s campaign practices for his re-election for Aroostook County Sheriff.
According to the Charter, Article VI. Elections, Section 1, “… the manner of nominating and electing county officers (the sheriff) …. shall be the manner now or hereafter prescribed by the laws of the State for nominating and electing county officers…” In other words, our county government defers to Maine law regarding elections. MRSA, Title 21-A, §32. Violations and penalties, states it is a Class E crime if that person: “Knowingly displays or distributes political advertisements in or on state-owned or state-leased property.” If a state employee promoted a political cause or candidate using a state owned vehicle, equipment or property, the employee would be fired immediately.
If the County Charter defers to Maine law regarding electing county officers, how can the County Commissioners allow county employees (the sheriff) to use county-owned vehicles, employees, equipment and property, paid for with our tax dollars, for campaign purposes?
The County Commissioners should be held accountable to abide by the Charter for which they were elected to uphold.
It’s time for some scrutiny in our Aroostook County government.