Willette compete for seats in District 5

14 years ago

Willette compete for seats in District 5

Full name:

Michael James Willette



Presque Isle


    What seat are you running for? Re-election to House Seat #5
    What other political offices have you held? If none, what other offices, honors or titles have you earned? I am the current State Representative for District 5 (Presque Isle).
    What is your career background? I have an extensive list of work experiences as well as life experiences; as I tell people, I have worn many hats. I graduated from high school and enlisted in the United States Army. I was a combat medic for three years, and I exited the military shortly after returning home from Iraq, once ground operations were completed for Operation Desert Storm. I then worked at UPS for a while and then worked for JM Huber for four years. I was a firefighter for four years. I then decided it was time to get my college degree; I enrolled at the University of Maine at Presque Isle. I worked full-time at McCain Foods and raised three children while going to school. After getting degrees in biology, chemistry and education, I took a job with the Presque Isle school system as a science teacher. During that time I also studied to get my real estate broker’s license. I am currently partnered with my good friend Rick Castonguay and we have Big Bear Real Estate in Presque Isle. I have, as of late, been asked to join as a director/board member for Balance BPO, a new company that I helped to bring to Presque Isle.
    What made you decide to run for this office? Not to sound too idealistic, but I decided to run so that I could contribute what I could to help make Maine a better place for our young and provide a friendlier business climate so we can grow and put people to work. Recently, Maine has had the unpleasant distinction of making it on two lists nationally. We are now last in the nation with concern to how business-friendly we are as a state, and first in regards to the number of our citizens who receive welfare. These are trends that need to be reversed and I want to help make that happen.
    I also take great pride in being a true representative for my district. I have heard too many times over the years that politicians never return calls from their constituents or care about their problems. I have proven time and time again that I put the citizens first, before my party and before the wants and needs of southern Maine. We have a loud voice here in Presque Isle and The County, but sometimes our voices get drowned out due to party politics and partisan bickering, which I do not buy into. I also spend a lot of time trying to make the lower part of the state realize that there is life above Bangor and, at times, that is the hardest part of my job.
    What do you see as the most important issue facing the community you will serve? As far as Presque Isle is concerned, I would have to say dealing with the decrease in school funding that is coming due to the $1 billion dollar shortfall that we need to address for the next biennium. There is also an issue that affects all of the state and Presque Isle, and that is revamping our out of control welfare system. Our current system has locked generations into a cycle of dependency on state aid and government programs. This has to change. I also want the state to finally figure a way to make sure that the $7 million dollars that is owed to our local hospital is paid off in a reasonable and sustainable timeframe. Another issue for our area is trying to entice new businesses to locate here in Presque Isle. I have done that already and look forward to getting more businesses here in the Star City. More businesses mean more jobs. But to get those businesses here, we need to address the current business climate that we have been stuck with for the longest time in our state. I am a firm believer that government cannot create jobs, but what government can do is create an environment that is conducive to job creation — in a sense, make it easier for the job creators (small business) to create jobs.  
    What do you see as your primary goal, if elected? My primary goal is to represent our district and promote our area to the rest of the state.  I will hold fast on a promise that I made during the 2008 election, and that is that I will not support any tax increases, and I will do my best to get Maine on the opposite ends of the two lists I mentioned earlier. I will always make myself available for the people in my district and work to the best of my ability to provide help to those that need it. I have been, and will continue being, the teachers’ and veterans’ biggest advocate in Augusta. I will also go to bat for those who keep us safe, and these are the firefighters and police that we depend on to give us peace of mind as we live and raise our families. I will also continue to fight for our Second Amendment rights. As an owner of a collection of guns and a hunter and NRA member, I am a firm believer in our right to bear arms. I have always believed the old saying that if you outlaw guns, the only people that will have them are outlaws. And the people that know me know that I don’t need an endorsement or a letter grade to show that I am a staunch Second Amendment supporter.
    Why should people vote for you? I feel that the people should vote for me because of my track record and the job that I have done in my first term. I have proven that I am not a party hack that gives in to party pressure like too many representatives do now. Our district is too diverse to have someone who is either all to the right or the left. I know my district, which is most important. I have been on the right side of all of the big issues that we had to vote on at the ballot box this year and that shows that my judgment on the issues have been spot on.