14 years ago

Veterans Day Banner

VP-Elks dinner-dcx-pt-45

Contributed photo
DINNER ON TAP — The Houlton Elks Lodge BPOE 835 will host a veterans supper for area veterans on Saturday, Nov. 13. Last year, the Houlton Elks members served a complimentary meal to about 120 local Veterans. Prior to the meal, the Maine National Guard Honor Guard presented an American Flag to the Houlton Elks. Pictured at last year’s event are from left, Sergeant David Carpenter Maine National Guard Honor Guard, Joseph Skehan Veteran U.S. Navy, Brad Butler Exalted Ruler Houlton Elks, Ruth McCannell Veteran U.S. Marine Corps, Mike Quint Maine National Guard Honor Guard, John Dunn Veteran U.S. Army and event organizer.