By Christie Cochran
Special to the Aroostook Republican
WASHBURN — This post has been on the records for several years and recently was reinstated and is an active post. The members work with communities in various ways including the all-important job of ordering and placing flags on the six cemeteries in the Washburn, Wade and Perham area. They sell some special flag holders for these flags as well.
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
Washburn’s American Legion Post 48 members include seated in front: Stan Theriault. Standing in back from left are: Kermit Fuller, Bob Brown, Bill Flewelling, Herman Carman, Dale Whitten, Larry Ross, Bud Umphrey, Larry Harrison, Willie Drost, Kathy Philbrook.
The Post also works with Washburn organizations such as Rotary and Boy and Cub Scout troops. Each year they work with these entities and conduct a flag retirement ceremony, ending with a Rotary-sponsored hotdog roast. They work with local ATVers to take the boys on a trek through the woods in Perham to view the WWII plane crash site and help place memorial items there. They also work with the August Festival Committee and are the lead Color Guard for the annual parade. Post members keep check on various national programs available for returning veterans and those who were injured or disabled in our most recent wars.
They combine their efforts with a wide array of area civic organizations and take part in organizing an escort parade to welcome them home to Washburn. They also attend Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day ceremonies at the Caribou Veterans’ Cemetery.
With their attendance at regular meetings, they show each other that they are not alone, with new members always welcome. As membership increases, so will the various services they’ll be able to provide.
As for the residents of Washburn, a grateful thank-you goes out to the members for all that Post 48 accomplishes.