MPS holding Caribou workshop

14 years ago

MPS holding Caribou workshop

CARIBOU — Turn off computers and their peripherals when not in use, unplug such “vampire” appliances as satellite TV systems and VCRs that suck electricity even when they are off, replace light bulbs with compact fluorescent or LED bulbs, install weather stripping on doors leading to the outside or garage and, of course, turn down the thermostat when leaving home — these are just a few of the energy and money-saving tips being given out in the free Maine Public Service workshop on saving energy and money.
“There are many low- and no-cost energy-saving strategies that can save money so renters and homeowners can apply the savings to other household expenses,” says Nancy Chandler, the program’s coordinator of energy conservation and education services at MPS.
The “Save Energy, Save Dollars” workshop focuses on energy efficiency and weatherization of the home and offers such free take-home tools as fluorescent bulbs, Kill-A-Watt meters, refrigerator gauges, LED nightlights, and pipe insulation. Co-sponsored by Caribou Adult Education, the workshop takes place at The Learning Center on Bennett Drive in Caribou from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 2. Individuals who wish to register for the event or those seeking additional information should contact Chandler at 760-2556.