Washburn Alumni basketball event
to prove entertaining
by Christie Cochran
A special Washburn Alumni basketball event will be held at the WDHS gym Saturday, Nov. 27. The girls tournament begins at 6 p.m., with the boys tourney to follow at 8 p.m.
Be sure to “dust off” your old sneakers and join in the fun which will include watching parents and grandparents slip, trip and swish basketballs in and around the baskets.
There will be many interesting activities throughout the evening, as well. There will be a surprise halftime show, “The Revenge of the Students,” and this event will involve duct tape, making it really interesting. Also during halftime, there will be a 3-point shooting challenge with a $100 giveaway, and this is only open to students. All those attending may take part in some 50/50 raffles along with other interesting activities.
The admission for this fun and interesting event is $5 for adults and $3 for students, with proceeds benefiting “Ryan’s Heart,” a local non-profit group for grieving children and their families and includes a self sustaining scholarship for all Aroostook County seniors. Those wishing more information on the foundation are urged to check out the website, www.ryansheartnop.org.
Pre-registration is required and there is a $3 fee. Those interested may contact Ron Ericson at rericson@msad45.net or call 455-4501.
CHILDREN IN THE MORNING and afternoon Kindergarten classes at the David J. Lyon Washburn District Elementary School recently donated canned and non-perishable goods to go in the food baskets for the town of Washburn. The donations will help make holiday meals much better for all. Displaying their contributions in the top photo were, from left, front row: morning students Kaiden Rosi-Carney, Matthew Kellner, Zachary Hostetler, Alyssa Shackett, Angel Bubar, Dakota McCoy, Ben Turner, Parker Sawyer, Christopher Tardie, Emmy Jackson, Brady Castonguay, Jason Ulrich, Emily Crandall and Landyen Hyde. Back row: Patricia Morrow, ed tech; and teacher Christine Skinner. In the photo at bottom, were, front row: afternoon students Kamdynn Hardgrove, Emma Deeves, Brayden Fitzgerald, Mitchell Turner, Parker Corey, Jake Snyder, Robert Sabatis, Ted Clark, Chase Hobbs, Chandler Tozier, Tal McCoy, Evan Dickinson and Delancy Koch. Back row: Morrow and Skinner.
Those celebrating birthdays this week include Carter Doak, Amanda Libby, Shawn Helton, Bob Dickinson, Michael Butler, Debbie LeClair, Dawn Rowbotham, Margaret Allen, Cheryl Cray, Lisa Austin, Derek Carlow, Patti Ericson, Beverly Doughman, Geraldine Preston, Noreen Bishop, Harold Whitney, Sandra Haines, Carrie Kapuscinski, Katie Kapuscinski, Al Whitten, Milton Haley, Dan Olson, Nathan Scott, Norma Baker, Josh Matowitz, George Howe, Darrell Wardwell, Nicole McLaughland, Beth Pickins, Heather Bragg, Billie Jo Corey, Paul Sellars, Rylie Turner, Karen Doughman, Kelsey Churchill and Troy Bragg.
In November, there will be the Elks Hoop Shoot, a basketball competition in conjunction with the physical education classes at the school and is open for children ages 8-13. Information will be sent home with the students, and for further information, call Marcie Barbarula at the Rec Center at 455-4959.
There will be men’s basketball at the elementary school Monday, Nov. 29 from 6:30-9 p.m.
On Wednesday, Dec. 1, there will be basketball for boys and girls in Grades 2 and 3 at the elementary school gym from 6:30-7:15 p.m.
Instructor Paige Huston announces that Zumba will be held at the elementary school on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 6:30 p.m.
What do you want done at the Washburn Mill Pond on north Main Street? This is a question that needs answers and various ideas currently include returning the pond into a swimming area, the installation of a gazebo, and a basketball area … among many suggestions.
This is currently a Rotary-sponsored project, with them having been asked to maintain and improve the park. This area is actually the Milford Blackstone Memorial Park, named for a former Washburn town manager, Rotarian and valued citizen.
The Rotary is asking for input from area residents, and assistance from anyone interested in a no-cost partnership with Rotary toward the future of the Mill Pond Park. They hope for comments and information on the area and for further information or to join this partnership (investing time, talents, ideas, etc.), please contact Rotarian Cindy Richendollar at 496-3375.
Without the assistance from areas near Washburn, this important opportunity may pass us by and future generations will miss out on the good times that can be had at the Millpond.
All are welcome to attend any of the upcoming informational meetings, with the first scheduled one to be held Wednesday, Dec. 1 at 7 p.m. at the Washburn Civic Center.
With Thanksgiving being observed tomorrow, it traditionally opens the Christmas season. Helping others less fortunate than ourselves is a wonderful way to celebrate this time of year. There are some very special “angels” available at the Perham Post Office and the Perham Town Office. The first step in this program is to pick up an angel at either place, and buy a gift for the one you choose. The angels denote whether the gift would be for a boy or girl and their age. Then all you have to do is return the gift with the angel tag attached.
The gifts need to be returned to either the Town Office or Post Office on or before Wednesday, Dec. 15. This will surely make the Christmas holiday more exciting and heartwarming for some of our area children.
Gifts of money, wrapping paper and tape will also be appreciated.
Just a note from the town of Perham with an updated telephone number for the Animal Control Officer. Joe Ruggles can be reached at 227-8301.
The ladies of the Lidstone Methodist group report successful results for their annual craft and food sale and thank all of their local customers for the great response and continued support for this important fundraiser.
The monies raised will be going toward a variety of local causes including college scholarships, help for the homeless shelter, funds for the school to buy boots, hats, coats and mittens for children that have none, as well as for many other community needs.
On Tuesday, Nov. 9, the selectmen for the town of Wade held their regular meeting. Special speakers attending the meeting were Dana Fowler, solid waste director for the city of Presque Isle and Tom Berube of Gils’ Sanitation. They were in attendance to discuss changes that will be occurring due to construction at the Presque Isle landfill. Information was shared on how the project will be done, as well as paying for costs.
They also discussed ways to pay for weekly garbage collection including the current method, and a new plan known as “pay as you throw.” This plan will also encourage recycling for which there is no charge for collecting, and recycling bags are free and can be found at many locations.
Also included in the agenda was a road update, noting that current year plans have been put on hold, with plans being discussed for next year. The Dunntown Road has been identified as the next big project with additional work done as funding allows. In the highway budget, the purchase of the grader has saved money due to no hiring out, and overtime has been limited along with other departmental costs.
The costs for the Wade municipal budget have been kept down, and repairs to the town garage – insulation and siding along with a new window – should keep heating costs down.
A very special Double five-generation photo includes from left: Peggy Wilson of Bangor holding son Landen, great-grandmother Mid Bennett of Wade, Grandfather Everett Merchant of Caribou, great-great-grandmother Gwen Bragg of Wade and Bill Merchant of Caribou holding his son Tristen.
Christie Cochran is the correspondent for Washburn, Wade and Perham. She can be reached at 455-8034 or gramchristie@yahoo.com.