Scouts learn valuable lessons

14 years ago

Scouts learn valuable lessons


by Christie Cochran

Over the Thanksgiving holiday week from Friday, Nov. 26, through Sunday, Nov. 28, Scouts and leaders of Washburn’s Troop 177 were at Camp Harrison for the annual junior leader training. The Scouts learned about their new leadership positions for 2011 and took part in many team-building exercises.

lo-washnews-cx1-sh-48Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
Scouts and Leaders attended and organized the annual Court of Honor and Leaders’ Training held the weekend of Nov. 26-28. Pictured in front from left are: Tim Roix, Jacob Reed, Daniel Roy, Taylor Skinner, Ronald Rand, Stacy Skinner, Larry Harrison. Back row: Randy Thompson, Adam Wilcox, Tyler Jardine, Bryce Roix, Turner McLaughlin, Brandon Cropley, Troy Wilcox, Parker Thompson and Donald Wilcox.


The guest instructor for the weekend was Eagle Scout Troy Wilcox who was completing a community service requirement for college at the University of New England. Scoutmaster Larry Harrison led the annual program planning session where the Scouts planned their year-long program calendar. On Saturday afternoon the Scouts were tasked to complete a Dutch oven meal of sparkling potatoes, Chicken Thing, along with cherry and apple cobbler — a meal enjoyed by all.

On Saturday evening the Scouts took part in the exercise of passing each troop member thru the Scouting web without touching. The evening ended by watching the movie “Scout Camp.”

On Sunday, the Scouts conducted a religious service and finished the training by planning the month of January 2011 meetings and special events.

Parents and guests arrived for a delicious potluck dinner and a special Court of Honor to close out the weekend. Those attending were Scouts: Taylor Skinner, senior patrol leader; Brandon Cropley, assistant senior patrol leader; Daniel Roy scribe; Jacob Reed, troop guide; Parker Thompson, Eagle patrol leader; Tyler Jardine, assistant patrol leader; Caleb Thompson, Bear patrol leader; Kody Brissette, assistant patrol leader; Turner McLaughlin, librarian; and Bryce Roix, quartermaster. Leaders attending were Scoutmaster Larry Harrison and Assistant Leaders Donal Wilcox, Randy Thompson, Tim Roix, Mike Thompson, Ronald Rand and Trainer Troy Wilcox.

Washburn’s Sesquicentennial

Imagine that! The town of Washburn will be turning 150 years old in 2011, and some fun ideas are being planned for the big event. There will be lots of events and activities included in the annual August Festival which will take place the third weekend of the month.

There is currently an idea for compiling a booklet for the Sesquicentennial. This will be a “brainstorming” session, and Chairman Louise Cole is hoping for volunteers to come and bring their ideas, including old photos, trivia, Washburn historical research, family stories and organizational skills.

The time and date for the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 14, at 6:30 p.m. and all are welcome to come and share an interest, or feel free to contact Louise at either 455-4723 or ldcole1@ Please note that the first letter is “l” as in ‘Louise’ and after ldcole, it is the numeral “1” as in ‘one.’ The two are easily mistaken, so be sure to make note of the two.


Those celebrating birthdays this week include: Douglas Everett Sr., McCall Turner, John Burchett Sr., Tina Whipkey, Glenna Ewing, Heidi Currier, Danny Corey, Benjamin Bragg, Malcolm Easler, Scott Powell, Tammy Bragg, Dwight Clayton, Anthony Viola, Steve Pangburn, Kara Farley, Betty Wilcox, Dani Shaw, Jeff Doughman, Clark Hulburt, Mike Tarbox, Clifford Boudman, Lexie Barker, Anthony Henderson, Amber Griffin, Burt Tilley and Crystal Drost.

Anniversary wishes go out to: Wendell and Eunice Carman, Allen and Jessica Milton and Dave and Anissa Levesque.

Town-wide news and notes

The Washburn Rotary is currently involved in working towards creating a better Mill Pond area near the Blackstone Memorial Park on North Main Street. Much input is needed from area residents and help from anyone interested in this venture.

The first meeting for this group will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 1, at the Washburn Civic Center at 7 p.m. For additional information, feel free to contact Cindy Richendollar at 496-3375.

There is still time to pick up some “paper angels” at the Perham Post Office and the Perham Town Office. The deadline for returning them with a Christmas gift is Wednesday, Dec. 15, and each gift will make an area child enjoy a special Christmas. Gifts of money, wrapping paper and tape will also be appreciated.

Boy Scout news

Troop 177 is currently selling Christmas trees, and the cost for any size — 5-, 6-, 7- and perhaps even 8-foot ones — are $25 each. They are on display at the home of Scout Leader Ron Rand on the Washburn/Presque Isle Road. There will be local delivery available on Saturdays for the Washburn, Wade. Perham and Crouseville areas. This annual fundraising event helps programs throughout the year for Boy Scouts in Troop 177. They thank you in advance for assisting them.


Christmas spirit
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran

Joining in the Christmas spirit around town is the Washburn Redemption Center. In front is Valerie Bragg. At center from left are: Tiffany Bragg, Darcy Carney and Danielle Bragg. In back: Troy Bragg. Each of the sisters are planning on enjoying the sweetness of the traditional candy cane.


Christie Cochran is the correspondent for Washburn, Wade and Perham. She can be reached at 455-8034 or