14 years ago


CARIBOU — The Aroostook County grand jury returned 70 indictments against 70 different persons during its November 2010 session. As is also apparent a vast number of indictments result from the significant activity of Maine Drug Enforcement Agency. Not only have 25 cases directly resulted from MDEA operations, but a great number of remaining charges have drug causes or effects.

“While all of Law Enforcement’s efforts to limit the drug trade and its attendant human fallout may seem like little more than trying to hold back a waterfall with one hand, abandoning the fight would invite far more crime from ‘away,’ “said District Attorney Neale Adams.

Among those indicted were:

Travis J. Webb, 32, Fort Fairfield: theft, violating condition of release (two counts), unlawful possession of scheduled drugs and criminal trespass.

Philip E. Sprague, Jr., 46, Fort Fairfield: aggravated assault, criminal threatening and violating condition of release.

Mary E. Sockabasin, 32, Indian Township: theft.

Robert J. Socobasin, 43, Indian Township: theft.

Sean M. Wadlington, 27, Presque Isle: gross sexual assault and violating condition of release.

Jeff V. Hartley, 21, Brewer: domestic violence terrorizing, violating protective order and violating condition of release.

David C. Pacheaco, 38, Presque Isle: criminal threatening.

Maria McIntyre, 28, Presque Isle: violating condition of release.

Amie J. Bouchard, Jr., 25, Van Buren: domestic violence assault, assault, obstructing report of crime, tampering with victim and violating condition of release.

Joshua R. Lee, 22, Presque Isle: tampering with victim and violating condition of release.

Robert E. St. Peter, Jr., 39, Presque Isle: violating condition of release.

Garnet A. Estey, 21, Mars Hill: assault.

Trevor W. Quist, 19, Connor Twp.: unlawful possession of scheduled drugs and displaying fictitious inspection sticker.

Dolan L. Cyr, 18, St. David: aggravated forgery.

Karen M. Michaud, 43, Van Buren: unlawful possession of scheduled drugs and criminal OUI.

Christopher R. Horan, 28, Presque Isle: burglary (two counts) and theft (two counts).

Jeffrey T. Hardgrove, 34, Washburn: burglary (two counts) and theft (two counts).

Ashley L. Lopez, 21, Caribou: theft, assault on an officer, refusing to submit to arrest, unlawful possession of scheduled drugs and violating condition of release.

Katrina L. Lank, 35, Caribou: stealing drugs.

Allan M. Hathaway, 28, Caribou: domestic violence assault.

Jason I. Wright, 25, Washburn: operating after revocation and violating condition of release.

Troy P. Lausier, 32, Van Buren: burglary, theft, criminal mischief and operating after suspension.

Benjamin A. Monteith, 27, Caribou: burglary, theft, criminal mischief and violating condition of release.

Edward J. Dunne, 42, Caribou: gross sexual assault and assault.

William W. Colley, 51, Caribou: burglary, aggravated criminal mischief and theft.

Ben A. Roy, 32, Van Buren: criminal OUI.

Kally J. Monti, 31, Caribou: aggravated criminal trespass.

Dana R. Wilson, 28, Washburn: theft.

Marianne A. Paul, 23, Woodland: theft.

Mark L. Crouch, 53, Caribou: criminal OUI and operating after suspension.

Jonathon D. Hale, 27, Caribou: theft.

Jason Parsons, 32, Presque Isle: aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs.

Benjamin E. Small, 33, Presque Isle: unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs and violating condition of release.

David J. Theriault, 28, Presque Isle: aggravated trafficking of drugs, unlawful possession of scheduled drugs and operating after revocation.

Joseph A. Bolda, 23, South Daytona, Fla.: aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs.

Albert St. Jean, 27, Presque Isle: unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs (two counts).

Travis A. Drake, 27, Presque Isle: unlawful possession of scheduled drugs.

Jason R. Doak, 29, Fort Fairfield: unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs.

Chauncey J. Warren, 29, Hartford, Conn.: unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs and criminal forfeiture.

Joseph Rich, 39, Newberry, Fla.: unlawful possession of scheduled drugs (two counts).

Andreanna N. Munson, 24, Presque Isle: unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs.

George T. White, 23, Caribou: unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs and unlawful possession of scheduled drugs (two counts).

Misty D. Hodsdon, 20, Presque Isle: unlawful possession of scheduled drugs.

Wayne D. Field, 28, Blaine: unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs.

Melanie Belisle, 30, Degelis, Quebec: unlawful possession of scheduled drugs.

Justin P. Flewelling, 29, Houlton: unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs.

Tasha Boyce, 32, Presque Isle: unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs.

Joseph P. Gagnon, 20, Presque Isle: unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs and violating conditions of release.

Robert A. Merriam, 50, Presque Isle: aggravated trafficking in schedule drugs (two counts).

Rhonda R. Sabattus, 29, Indian Township: theft.

Brent A. Burleigh, 49, Lincoln: domestic violence reckless conduct with firearm, criminal mischief, OUI and driving to endanger.

Kendall L. Homchuck, 38, Monticello: aggravated criminal mischief and assault.

Dustin L. Grant, 24, Patten: assault.

James I. Keaton, 19, Houlton: burglary and theft.

Glen M. Langley, 30, Houlton: unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs.

Brian S. Paquin, 46, Linneus: burglary, criminal threatening (two counts), and possession of a firearm by a felon.

Travis J. Potter, 26, Wytopitlock: unlawful possession of scheduled drugs.

Alan M. Gillotti, Jr., 24, Oakfield: burglary, theft and operating after suspension.

Kevin Larsen, 39, Hodgdon: criminal threatening.

Todd S. Shaw, 34, Houlton: aggravated criminal mischief, unauthorized use of property, and operating after suspension.

Alan L. Washburn, 42, Mount Chase: forgery and theft.

Robert J. Russell, 20, Island Falls: burglary, theft, and criminal mischief.

Christopher M. Lezotte, 19, Houlton: eluding an officer, driving to endanger, and operating after suspension.

George H. Mazzaco, 18, Hodgdon: unlawful possession of scheduled drugs, improper plates, and operating without license.

Joseph M. Hartford, 27, Houlton: unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs.