By Lorraine Monfils and Mary Peabody
This year, 2010, was a very exciting one for The Ark Animal Sanctuary. First we became a 501c3, and shortly thereafter purchased 37 acres of land in a key location with plans for having this spot as our new AAS home. Another big thank-you to Mary Gregor for helping us in this endeavor.
We had a cabin donated and moved it to this new land. Thank you to the wonderful couple who donated this building, as well as Carl Crawford for moving it to our site. A few months later we won the national CITGO fueling good contest, which gave the AAS 2,500 in gas cards. Daigle Oil generously matched the 2,500 in gas cards. We give a sincere thanks to both. We had six skylights and sliding glass doors donated, as well as 75 feet of chain link fence. We were very fortunate to have received so much support and recognition.
This past year, the Ark held 23 fundraisers, bringing in $13,737.27. We were also fortunate to take in $13,867.67 in donations. Expenses for the year were $22,164.35.
Miracle on Mechanic Street with the presentation of “Twelve Dogs of Christmas” was a huge success — visit our website, ark, to view. It was just so much fun! We actually had 66 six dogs and 12 little kittens for the performance. All dogs were so well behaved, and thus not one single issue was encountered. I’ve never seen so many animals and animal lovers in one spot at the same time, and all with smiles! It certainly started the Christmas spirit for me!! That day we had five adoptions and raised over $1,700.
We want to sincerely thank all of the volunteers for this fundraiser as well as our supporters. Without all of you this event could not have happened or been as successful as it was! Another big thanks to the students in Hodgdon at the Mill Pond School as well as Hodgdon High School. Both groups raised money for the AAS during the holiday season. Another very sincere thanks to Gloria Austin of the Pioneer Times for staying with our project most all of the day. She took many wonderful pictures!! You are all appreciated more than you can realize! YOU are helping US to help the animals.
In 2010 we adopted 127 cats and 17 dogs. All of this was accomplished with only volunteers. There are no paid employees. All monies came from fundraising and donations. Our building is still not operational, so we were able to accomplish all of what we have done this year without an actual location. All of our dogs and cats were and are presently in foster care.
Please mark this date on your calendar. On Wednesday, Jan. 12, the Horn of Plenty has once again generously agreed to help the Ark Animal Sanctuary by donating a percentage of their proceeds in the evening. Please join us for wonderful supper as well as a night out to help all our furry friends. Hours are from 4:30 p.m. on.
Our next big fundraiser will be held in February. This will be a dinner to honor all the local heroes, those people who have given their time, energy, and money and “been there” for us. It will be called “Essential Pieces”. Please watch for details. Check our website as we always have new updates
May this new year be a wonderful one for all of our readers and may it bring our paths closer together in the future. Thanks for reading our column.