All Aroostook concert Saturday

14 years ago

All Aroostook concert Saturday

HOULTON — What takes two days, 375 middle and high school musicians, four guest conductors, and lots of volunteers? The 2011 All Aroostook Music Festival, of course.

The SAD 29 music department and music boosters are once again hosting this annual showcase of the best middle and high school vocalists and instrumentalists from all over Aroostook County. Students were selected in November to be placed into select bands and choruses to come together in one weekend to put on a concert.

Guest conductors are brought in to work with the students, and have a short amount of time to put a performance together. The All Aroostook concert will have two bands and two choruses performing.

The middle school band will be directed by Brad Chiechomski, composer, clinician and director of Bands at Harrison Middle School in Yarmouth. The middle school chorus will be led by Rebecca Wright, a Presque Isle native, who has been teaching visual and performing arts and show choir at Ellsworth High School.

David Walker, music department chairperson and director of bands in SAD 11 (Gardiner), will direct the high school band. Patrick Moore, vocal director at Winnacunnet High School in New Hampshire, returns to the County where he taught for 15 years, to lead the high school chorus.

The concert, which is open to the public, will take place on Saturday Jan. 15 at 3 p.m. in the Houlton High School Alumni Gymnasium, doors will open at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $4 for adults, $3 for students/senior citizens and $10 for a family and can be purchased at the door.