Rotarians learn about BioSand water filters

14 years ago

    HOULTON — Dr. Bob Chagrasulis of the Calais Rotary Club spoke to Houlton Rotarians at a recent meeting about their World Community Service project. Chagrasulis is chairman of the Water Management Program for the District.
    Since 1995, he has been traveling with medical teams to the Dominican Republic, working out of the city of La Romana. In addition to his medical work, he has worked with Rotary to provide BioSand water filters primarily for the Haitian sugar cane cutters and their families. The families living in the bateys are extremely poor and work for a low wage.
Contributed photo
BU-CLR-more rotary-dcx-pt-2ROTARY GUESTS — Dr. Bob Chagrasulis, left, and Craig Bean, were guest Rotarians at a recent meeting of the Houlton Rotary. The two spoke about Rotary’s World Community Service project.

    Just recently, Chagrasulis and other Rotarians involved in the concrete BioSand filter project decided to move to the plastic Hydraid BioSand filters manufactured in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Chagrasulis has written a matching grant for $25,000 through the Rotary Foundation and the Houlton Rotary Club will participate with other individual clubs in the district and adjoining districts of New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut. This grant will fund the purchase of over 200 Hydraid BioSand Water Filters for people living in the sugar cane plantations of La Romana.
    He explained that the gem to this filter is that it has a biological layer that consumes the bad particles that cause so much sickness. The filter system is low cost and has top ranked technology. It is easy to operate and has very low maintenance.
    When Rotary’s work on the eradication of polio is complete, the next push will be on clean water, sanitation and good hygiene worldwide. The Houlton Rotary Club is already partnering to help make this happen.