Compiled by Karen Donato
Special to the Pioneer Times
100 Years Ago-Jan. 11, 1911
Aroostook Times
Monticello — Harry Hartt, the popular clerk at G.W. Bull’s has bought the stock of W.J. Wiley and expects to take possession early in March. The business will be carried on from the old stand. The best wishes of many friends go out to him for a very successful business.
Sales — Ever since Ralph Whitney, the horse shoer on Mechanic Street has been in business he has kept an account of the number of shoes he has used and for the six months ending Dec. 27, 1910 he has put on 7,912 shoes.
75 Years Ago-Jan. 9, 1936
Houlton Pioneer Times
Violators — Speeding trucks that hog the road will be punished warns State Patrolman Charles F. Marks. The present condition of roads makes driving faster than 35 miles an hour unsafe for any vehicle as well as for others.
Afternoon tea — Mrs. Isabelle Hess entertained a number of friends at a delightful tea Saturday afternoon at her home on Court Street. Mrs. George Hall poured and was assisted by Misses Sigrid Tompkins and Mary Archibald.
All in the family — Wilbur Briggs, 15, County Road, underwent an appendix operation at the Aroostook Hospital and is making good progress toward recovery. Wilbur is the third member of his family to undergo surgical treatment for appendicitis within the past three months, his brothers, Gerald and Merle having submitted to the same surgery the latter part of October.
50 Years Ago- Jan. 12, 1961
Houlton Pioneer Times
Tax — A one-cent increase in the state sales tax as proposed this morning by Governor John H. Reed in his budget message to the 100th Legislature would bring in new revenues of $14,900,000 to supplement basic appropriations.
Houlton Pioneer Times 1961 File Photo
DEMOLAY — The Degree of Chevalier was presented to five members of the Houlton Order of the DeMolay. Shown from left, Leon Benn, chairman of the Advisory Council of the DeMolay congratulating Kevin Cowperthwaite, while John Coffin, Stephen Rich, David Lawrence and Larry Woodworth, other recipients look on.
Council meets — The Houlton Town Council commended the faithful duties rendered by Ida Leavitt, town policewoman who recently resigned. Her post for the past seven years has been at the corner of North Street and Maple Street directing traffic while pupils from the Bowdoin Street School crossed the busy Highway One. The councilors appointed Madeline B. Taylor as Mrs. Leavitt’s successor.
25 Years Ago-Jan. 8, 1986
Houlton Pioneer Times
Storms — Back to back storms dumped 28 inches of snow on the town.
Winner — Karen Hall of Patten accepted the keys to a 1986 Nissan Sentra from Dwight Mills, proprietor of Northland Motors, as her prize in a fund-raiser by the Houlton Band of Maliseets. Don LeVasseur assisted in the presentation.
Noteworthy — The Board of Advisors for the Outstanding Young Men of America Awards program has announced that Dana C. Adams of Rome, N.Y. and Rev. Michael W. Lowry of Houlton have been included in the 1985 edition. These men were selected from nominations received from senators, congressmen, governors, mayors, state legislators, university and college presidents and deans, as well as various civic groups. Adams is the son of Jean Adams and the late Newell Adams of Houlton and Lowry is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lowry of East Millinocket.