100 Years Ago-Feb. 1, 1911
Aroostook Times
Local — John B. Madigan, Esq. will go to Boston the last of the week where he will act as Toastmaster at the annual banquet of the Boston Alumni of Georgetown University.
New attorney — Assistant Attorney General Chas. P. Barnes is to come to Houlton and open a law office at the close of his service in his present position. Mr. Barnes is a native of Houlton, a graduate of Colby College at Waterville, taught high school at Norway and in Massachusetts, studied law and formed a partnership for practice with Charles E. Holt of Norway.
75 Years Ago-Jan. 30, 1936
Houlton Pioneer Times
Rotary speaker — The Hon. R.W. Shaw described northern Maine as a most primitive section before the Civil War. There were no hospitals, few doctors and not more than 100 carriages in all Aroostook County at that time. All the farming of that day was done by hand and oxen were the beasts of burden. There was not a sink in Aroostook County, the first approach to the modern conveniences we know today were those later fashioned by hand out of wood.
Twelve-mile hike — A 12-mile tramp on snowshoes in the dead of night and into the face of a bitter cold wind was the feat accomplished by Bud Carpenter to carry the news to Charles Carpenter three miles south of Knowles Corner, that his father, Frank Carpenter had passed away. He was driven to Smyrna Mills by Harold Cates and from there, donning snowshoes secured only by laces from his shoes, he set out over a blocked road drifting heavily under the biting wind, to his destination, at an hour before midnight. Seeking shelter in a shack on the way, a lone occupant provided him with tea, food and warmth and again he set out. Finally arriving nine hours after he started. With the funeral set for that day, the pair set out for Smyrna, fighting biting winds, drifting snow and on snowshoes. They arrived just in time for the service.
50 Years Ago- Feb. 2, 1961
Houlton Pioneer Times
Houlton — A proposal will be made soon by the Houlton Citizens Traffic Safety Committee to the Retail Trade Board of the Chamber of Commerce to eliminate, through a town ordinance or regulation, 13 angle parking spaces from the corner of Court Street and Main Street to Broadway, one of the most dangerous spots to the motorists. The primary objective of the committee is to institute parallel parking.
Ricker — Snow Ball Weekend has been set for March 10 and 11. Jim Kenny, student government publicity director, said that Gordon Howe and his orchestra, from Richmond would provide music for the coronation ball. Nominations for the coveted titles of Snow Ball King and Queen will be made shortly.
25 Years Ago-Jan. 29, 1986
Houlton Pioneer Times
Revitalization — Charles Upton, head of Community Development for Houlton told the Houlton Rotary Club some of the plans for development of Houlton at a weekly luncheon recently.
Gospel album — Cheryl Lovely, owner of Houlton Music and Gospel on Main Street has cut a record entitled, “Slippers with Wings”, and contains gospel music of the modern and old-time moods. Complimenting Cheryl on the record are, Paula Jackson, Perly Curtis, Dotty Farrell and Fred Pike.
Key Bank — Three management changes at Key Bank of northern Maine have been announced by David E. Dorsey, president. Lillian H. Lovely has been promoted to branch administrator, Chris A. Fitzpatrick has joined Key Bank as commercial loan officer at the Presque Isle Maine Street branch and Dana A. Worthley has been promoted to commercial loan officer in the Market Square office at Houlton.