Entertainers sought for Winterfest event

14 years ago

Entertainers sought for Winterfest event


by Tomi Henderson

The Winterfest Committee and the Junior High Yearbook staff are inviting local residents who would like to share their talents and perform at the Winterfest Talent Show on Friday, March 11, to contact Betsy York at CAHS, 425-2811, to sign up before March 4.

This event is not a competition but meant to be a fun evening of entertainment. Sign-up applications and more details can also be found on the library website at www.sad42.k12.me.us/library.

Rotary Club

The Mars Hill Rotary Club met on Tuesday morning, Feb. 8, at 6:30 at the Aroostook Health Center. Dan McClung, Mars Hill town , was inducted as the newest member of the club by Assistant District Governor Nancy Fletcher. Dan has been the town manager since July 2010.

lo-mhnews-clr-cx1-sh-07Photo courtesy of Tomi Henderson
NEW ROTARIAN, Dan McClung, was welcomed into the Mars Hill Club on Feb. 8. Pictured above from left are: Assistant District Governor Nancy Fletcher; Ed Wright, Mars Hill Rotary Club president; McClung, Mars Hill town ; and Rotarian Ray Mersereau (former town manager for Mars Hill), who presented Dan with his Rotary pin.

Rotarian Ray Mersereau shared another portion of his trip last year. He covered from Los Angeles, Calif., to Orlando, Fla., and told of the many adventures he and his wife, Judy, enjoyed along the way.

Library amnesty

The Walter T.A. Hansen Memorial Library is having an amnesty time from March 1 through April 30 for folks that have overdue books. Books can be returned with no fees incurred, although donations will be accepted. Books can also be dropped in the book drop.

Take this chance to return those forgotten books with no penalty!

Tomi Henderson is the correspondent for Mars Hill, Blaine, Bridgewater and Westfield. She can be reached at 429-9126 or e-mail tomihen@yahoo.com.