To the editor:
Just last week, Governor Paul LePage presented the Legislature with the Fiscal Year 2012-13 State Budget. While this budget addresses much needed concern for our welfare system, public debt and education, it also discussed the State of Maine workforce.
As the son of a parent who is employed by the State of Maine, I was discouraged to see that Governor LePage will balance some of the state budget on the backs of Maine state employees and retirees. While I hear and read negative comments about state employees, it should be noted that many of these employees have given many years of dedicated service to the people of Maine.
These employees take claims for the unemployed, provide support to our citizens in the mental health system, they make sure our roads are free of snow in the winter and these employee’s work with our youth and adults through corrections programs.
Whatever your opinion may be on state government workers, please know that there are many out there working hard to serve the citizens of this great state. It is my opinion that balancing this budget on the backs of Maine state employees is just wrong.
A big “thank you” to all our state government employees who serve us so well!
Matthew Sanfacon