1911 : New saw mill is now completed

14 years ago
100 Years Ago: March 16, 1911

• J.C. McGrath and Fred Giberson have been spending some time at Black Brook, where in company with Dr. G.C. Upham, they have a fine camp.

• Mr. and Mrs. N.A. Currier left Friday for New York City where they will purchase spring and summer goods for the Pattee Co.

• H.D. Collins’ new saw mill is now completed and it is built along the lines of modern mills, equipped with all necessary machinery to do custom sawing. The building is 30 feet-by-83-feet and was erected under the supervision of A.H. Somers.

• According to the report of the town clerk, there were 87 marriages, 119 deaths and 279 births in Caribou from Feb. 26, 1910 to Feb. 26, 1911. This is certainly a good healthy and natural increase in population.

• Potatoes are at 60 to 65 cents per barrel.

75 Years Ago: March 12, 1936

• The Misses Alice and Hilma Ostlund, Linnea Johnson and Aina Adamson, all of New Sweden, and who are employed in Worscester, Mass., spent Sunday afternoon and evening in Boston.

• The local telephone operators tendered a surprise birthday party Monday evening to two members of their staff, Miss Clarice Armstrong and Miss Berdina Anderson. Both girls were the recipients of many lovely gifts.

• The 11 WPA projects taking place in Caribou includes one at the Caribou Library. The increased use of the public library, due to the unemployed people which we have in this town made an increased use of the books in the library thereby making extra wear and tear of the same. These had to be repaired. The WPA allowed one assistant to the librarian to do the repair work and to keep up the service to the public.

• Clerical assistance in the town clerk’s office is also on the WPA list. The purpose of this project is to bring up to date the old and existing records such as deeds, land titles, births, deaths and marriages. Some of these records were very old and needed rewriting. There are three assistants on this project.

• Phillip W. Hamilton, who several months ago passed his examinations for entry to the Maine Bar was admitted to the Aroostook Bar at Houlton on March 10 and is now practicing law at the office of his father, W.P. Hamilton on Sweden Street.

• Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Johnston left Saturday for Boston where they attended the gift show.

50 Years Ago: March 16, 1961

• Dr. and Mrs. George Corey and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Solman are in Boston to attend the New England Basketball  Tournament.

• Caribou has been awarded the 1962 State Convention of the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Joseph Bouchard was named chairman of the committee which will look after the arrangements for the convention.

• Galen  D. Violette, AA, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Violette of Caribou has left Sanford, Florida for the Naval Air Station at Jacksonville, Fla., to attend a 22-week course to become an aviation electrician’s mate.

• Mrs. Andrew Sjostedt and children created no small sensation when they rode into Stockholm with a horse and pung, something most of the inhabitants haven’t seen for years.

• Rosalie Harris of Perham has been named valedictorian of the senior class at Caribou High School.

• Stanley Brewer of Cobb Buick Inc.,  left by air Tuesday for a tour of the Mercedes-Benz, Auto-Union, DKW facilities in Germany.