Northern Maine Fair Association’s Exhibit Hall earns award
PRESQUE ISLE — The Northern Maine Fair received an award at the annual meeting of the Maine Association of Agricultural Fairs (MAAF) held in Portland Jan. 27-30. The MAAF is comprised of all twenty 26 of the state’s licensed agricultural fairs.
The Northern Maine Fair was presented with an award for Best Large Agricultural Exhibit Hall. This is an important achievement for the Northern Maine Fair, which has worked to make significant changes to their Exhibit Hall in recent years. Recent changes have included the addition of several cooking contests, a demonstration stage area and an increase in many prize premiums.
Christa Galipeau, the chairperson for the Exhibit Hall Committee for the Northern Maine Fair, noted that the award acknowledges the hard work of many people to make these improvements. These organizations include the Aroostook County Homemakers Extension, Aroostook County 4-H and FFA and many Fair volunteers who prepared displays or served as judges and servers.
“It takes the hard work and cooperation of all these organizations to make the Exhibit Hall a success. There are many workers and volunteers who put in long, hot hours getting ready for the fair as well as watching the building during the fair,” Galipeau said.
She stressed the importance of the interest and support of the hundreds of people, from all over Aroostook County, who enter items into the Exhibit Hall.
Galipeau also said that the improvements to the Exhibit Hall would continue and urged everyone to watch for the new cooking contests and other additions that will be coming to the hall in the future.
The annual meeting provided an opportunity for the directors of the various fairs, both large and small, to discuss important topics such as harness racing, agricultural education, museum presentations, exhibit halls and youth activities and other fair-related topics.