Happy Losers meet
By Shirley Sides
On March 16, the Happy Losers met at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls. Hilda Clukey is our new greeter. Our leader, Jackie Pratt opened our meeting with our pledge and roll call.
We have resumed our ups and downs exercise, which everyone enjoyed. Twelve ladies attended our class, which is wonderful. Jeanne Watson and Lois Green were losers for the week, and Dotty Rand was runner-up. Great job ladies!
Our secretary and treasurer gave reports for the week. Jackie Pratt, led the program for the week. Her topic was on and article called Follow Rules to Slim Down. Meetings are always interesting and informative.
Please feel welcome to our group every Wednesday at 8 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more info. See you there!
Patten Womans Club
The Patten Woman’s Club met Tues, March 15 at Janine Bertone’s house. Dana Jones was our guest. He gave a wonderful presentation about the history of Patten. We made plans for our Annual Art Show in May. Next meeting is at Rhoda Houtz’s house April 19.
Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing
Hello everyone! Beautiful Sunday here, clear and sunny. Who saw the moon on Saturday night? I heard it was beautiful. I didn’t know about it how special it was until after it was over. There is a special name for it. It won’t happen again until 19 more years. Big, big was the moon and close to earth. I’m so sorry I missed it since it was so special.
We have a new tenant but I can’t tell you his name yet. On Sunday after mass we wished Marie Wright a “Happy Birthday.” It was her 90th. At cardio rehab the other day, we wished Paul McGillicuddy a “Happy Birthday,” it was on the 16th and he turned 98!
Dale Devoe had her nephew Johnathan from Mars Hill were here. He had a big punching bag — big it was.
Lavina Byron usually has a lot of pictures on her door and that is what is showing now. Give it a look.
We had a nice get together in the community room on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17. We had a wonderful supper, everybody bringing a different dish. We even had fiddleheads and delicious chocolate cup cakes. And my neighbor Blaine Johnson brought a pot of corn chowder. Blaine likes to cook and I’ve had many samples of it during his time here. Keep on cooking, Blaine.
We had a wonderful concert at St. Mary of the Visitation on Saturday. “I do believe” presented by Tajci who came from Communist Yugoslavia. Her voice was amazing. Two of her youngsters performed also and were a big hit. Thanks to the local Knights of Columbus who brought this performer to Houlton. A few of our Ricker ladies were present.
A large book, similar to the ones already on the book shelf, is missing from the book shelf. If you have forgotten to return this book or know where it is, it would be appreciated for its return. Thank you.
Spring has arrived. Do you believe it? There is no such thing as “too much” spring, too many new leaves or too many flowers. May I do my best to give help and love in excess—for in each day there are never too many hours.
Have a wonderful save and healthy week.
Sherman Seniors gather
The Sherman Senior Citizens Club met on Wednesday, March 16, for business and the special St. Patrick’s prepared noon meal. Thanks to Annie Atkinson, our leader for ham and the traditional veggies. The delicious mince pie served with ice cream, made by one of our members, Sandra Qualay, was very much appreciated.
Special cards were signed and sent to those who were not able to attend. Spring seems to be showing in the surroundings in various ways. We’ve made it through another Northern Maine winter, which is not quite over yet; but that will come in due time.
Our next meeting will be at the Sherman gym on April 6, pot luck noon meal.
Present were: Fred and Annie Atkinson, Paul and Sandra Qualey, Eva Perry, Linniea Perry, Esther Greenier, Bonita Staples and Frances Gorman.
Our Easter dinner will be held on April 20 that Annie will prepare. Bring a pie, if you like, and tell Annie your plans by phone.
TOPS ME 0233, Houlton
By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street Friday, March 18 for its weekly meeting.
Sixteen members were weighed; three of these were KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly).
Joyce Estey conducted the meeting. The loser of the week was Aileen Smith with Melva Folsom runnerup. Joyce was the winner of the skinny dish. Each member gave her victory for the week — some were extra miles on the treadmill, walking and fasting.
Gerry McAfee, a member, is at Madigan Estates undergoing rehabilitation.
“Happy Birthday” was sung to Margaret Hagerman.
Discussion was held on upcoming events such as workshops and SRD. Then a skit was performed provided by Charlotte Marley; the performers were Lois Downing as Stupid Cupid; Aileen Smith as Wavering Wanda and Barbara Whited as Sensible Sam. It drew a lot of laughs.
The next meeting will be March 25 at the same location.
If you have questions regarding the chapter, please call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483.
Weigh-in is at 8-8:45 a.m. every Friday with the meeting starting at 9 and ending an hour later.
Come and join us for TOPS and take off weight.
Island Falls News
The second Lenten breakfast was held on March 20 from 7 a.m. until 9 a.m. at the Whittier Congregational Church. Candy McKellar was the head chef and assisting her in her work were Craig Worster cooking the eggs, Laurie Worster making the toast, Marion Hoar, doing the waiting on. I am not sure who did the bacon, but it was there in abundance, along with with the waffles, orange juice, coffee and home made raspberry jelly to go on toast and waffles and maple syrup, too, if any one should want it.
Verna Boone was the “all around assister” during the breakfast, which was enjoyed by all, including our Catholic friends, who are with us every year for our Lenten breakfasts. Have learned from Vinal (Buddy) Whitney that his brother (nickname “Sparky”) is slowly recovering from a badly broken leg, which happened back in the early months of winter, when he slipped on some ice.
And Phillip Desmond has returned home from the hospital following his surgery and is doing very well. Am still seeing quite a few birds but now don’t have to run out so often to fill the feeders, so they must be finding stuff that mother nature brings out in the spring. Have noticed the nuthatchers busily pecking away at the cedar tree instead of going into the feeders. And now the weather has really warmed up the deer are appearing more often from the woods surrounding my back yard. Looked out the other day and there were several way down back nibbling on some bushes. But they still arrive about dusk still to eat up the goodies I put there for them, and sometimes I am lucky and get to see them there before they depart.