Hawk’s Nest

14 years ago

By Nannette Mills
    What better way to enter into the month of April than to honor the famous Bard, William Shakespeare? On Friday, April 8, you may step back 400 years to a time when Shakespeare is in the prime of his career, Sir Francis Drake has circumnavigated the Globe, and the New World exists as a boundless frontier. Where will you find this convergence of events? In the Hodgdon High School gymnasium, of course! The Freshmen class is reading Shakespeare’s famous tragedy, Romeo and Juliet; Sophomores are reading Shakespeare’s, The Merchant of Venice; the Junior Class is reading Othello and Julius Caesar and the Seniors are reading Macbeth.
    Each class will be present a short skit for the entire student body from 1-2:25 p.m. that represents the play they have been reading. The Math, Science, and History departments will be showcasing some work students have worked on from this time period as well.   Come join us for an afternoon at the 1st Annual Elizabethan/Shakespearean Festival!
    The Class of 2011 Senior Presentations are underway, with 100 percent participation from all graduating seniors.  Students must answer an essential question with a 15-minute oral presentation to a panel of teacher and administrative judges, along with a substantial professional portfolio. This challenging requirement gives graduating students the experience of public speaking and research to prepare them for a challenging future. If you see a 2011 Hodgdon High School student, be sure to ask what his/her senior project was and be ready to be amazed.
    Mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 26 for our “Celebration of Education” evening from 6-8:30 p.m. in the high school gymnasium. Student work will be showcased for parents and community members to enjoy. The Senior British Literature classes have created beautiful Senior Scrapbooks to be read and cherished for years to come. This legacy consists of 16 written essays with matching visuals for each page. Students write about friends, family, important events, and many other significant life events. We will give more details as the “Celebration of Education” event draws near.
    Don’t forget to visit our webpage at www.msad70.org for upcoming events, teacher email contacts, scholarship information, and much more.