100 Years Ago: April 6, 1911
• Superintendent of Schools, Leon W, Gerrish is now busy taking the school census of the town of Caribou. Last year the town had 2,011 pupils of school age and it is expected that the census will be fully as large this year.
• On April 7, 1910, the ice went out of the Aroostook River. Quite a difference from this year when the teams are hauling potatoes across the river at Maysville and Parkhurst Siding.
• The price of potatoes has dropped off a little today from what it has been during the week, the street price being from $1.50 to $1.25 per barrel. The highest price reached during the present advance was $1.41 per barrel.
• A quiet home wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mr. H.S. Mitton on High Street last Thursday when Harry Gammon, a brother of Mrs. Mitton, was united in marriage to Mrs. Hoyt, the ceremony being performed by Rev. T.J. Ramsdell.
• H.D. Collins is building an addition on the rear of his Main Street building for the purpose of giving more room for the American Express Co.
85 Years Ago: April 8, 1926
• F.S. Tibbetts is certainly making a record for selling automobiles. For the 11 days ending Friday night, he had sold 21 Chevrolet cars, an average of almost two a day.
75 Years Ago: April 2, 1936
• One of the residents of the Limestone Street section dropped in to the editorial sanctum Wednesday noon and passed on the information that he stood ready to contribute to a fund to pay for membership in the Fish and Game Club, so that a certain sharpshooter in that locality could practice at the armory rifle range instead of taking pot shots at the neighbor’s hens.
• The following third-grade pupils were not absent a day during the winter term of the High Street School. Leonard Bouchard, Joseph Bouchard, Douglas Collins, Lewis Deering, Lorraine Hewitt, Manzer Thompson, Vesta Wright and Mary Wyman.
• Miss Anna Phair of Limestone, who has been home for a few days from the St. Barnabas Hospital in Portland, returned to her training Monday.
• The Misses Barbara Smith, Anna Spooner and Prudence Piper motored to Fort Kent by way of Cross Lake Sunday, the first car from Caribou going straight through, it is said. They reported the roads as being very bad.
• The Bangor & Aroostook has, at the request of many patrons, extended the date of removing the cafe-parlor car to April 25. The morning train for the south that day will take the car down on its last trip of the season. The afternoon train will continue to carry a dining car as usual.
50 Years Ago: April 6, 1961
• The third annual Northern Maine Better Homes Show is scheduled to open Friday, April 7, at the General Carter Armory. The Caribou Jaycees are sponsoring the three-day event again this year.
• Peter Kelley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Kelley, is on vacation from his studies at Harvard University in Cambridge and is a guest of the Thomas Piper family at Pompano Beach, Florida. Peter recently joined the Hasty Pudding Institute of 1770 and has also entered the DU Club.
• Richard Pratt of the high school faculty accompanied Bertel Johnson and Lynn Espling to Ricker College to participate in the annual Spear Speaking Contest. Winners of last year’s Junior Exhibition, Bertel presented the oration, “Pushbutton Paradise” by Touchy and Lynn presented the dramatic reading, “The Woman and the Clock” by Wiltsie.
• Jack May on vacation from Hebron Academy, is home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John May, after visiting with the Tibbetts family in Fort Lauderdale.
• Coralee Cochran of New Sweden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cochran, observed her eighth birthday with guests Paula and Rosalie Cyr, Karen Dischringer, Connie Caverhill, Marlene Norberk, Doris and Diane Ketch, Susan and David Carlson, Jeffrey and Doris Cochran, Miss Edna Hemberg, Mrs. Helen Williams and Mrs. Dora Lindseht.
25 Years Ago: April 2, 1986
• Joseffa Meir has been named valedictorian of the Caribou High School Class of 1986. The daughter of Dr. Josef and Ulla-Britt Meir, she has attained a 95.63 academic average.
• Timothy Dearborn has been named the Salutatorian for the CHS Class of 1986. The son of Alan M. and Mary L. Dearborn, he has maintained a 94.53 academic average.
• School board members learned Thursday that education officials in Augusta had favorable received a plan to construct an 800-seat auditorium at Caribou High School.
• The Maine Legislature is scheduled to begin consideration today of a bill which proposes to close Maine Yankee nuclear power plant before its scheduled expiration date.
• Officers Paul Vincent and Steven Greeley of the Caribou Police Department graduated from the 52nd Municipal/County Basic Police School of the Maine Criminal Justice Academy in ceremonies in Waterville on March 28.