American Legion members get gifts
Four Easton men belonging to the Pattee-Page Post 187 American Legion were pleasantly surprised recently, when they received anonymous gifts of soft, knitted, khaki-colored scarves with a ‘V’ knitted in each end. The gifts were left at the local grocery store where Bernard Hussey, one of the recipients, picked them up to deliver to Paul Mullen, Winston “Satch” Howlett and Clair Carter.
These men are the last four WWII veterans in the local American Legion, and they were very appreciative of the gifts and especially the note of thanks that accompanied them.
The Happy Days Senior Citizen’s club met for their regular meeting on Thursday, March 9, with 13 members and one guest present. After the potluck dinner, guest Jean Wiggins, from the Aroostook Area Agency on Aging, spoke to the group on “Scams and Frauds.” She also spoke on some of the parts of Medicare and Medicaid that might have to be cut in this difficult time to balance the budget.
Wiggins just recently has taken the place of Mona Lynch, who has retired from AAAA. She also works with Anthem and was formerly with Dr. Martin’s office.
She spoke of several scams worked on senior citizens – scams that can come by mail or phone, especially if the scammer asks them to call a phone number with a certain area code. She said that if they call any of these area codes – 809, 284, 876 or 414, they would be stuck with a serious bill to those phone numbers.
Wiggins said that seniors must be on the watch all the time for scams and not give out their personal information by phone or mail unless they were really sure whom they were giving it to. Banks and other companies do not ask for this information over the phone.
She also told them that there is also Medicare and Medicaid fraud and that they should examine their medical statements carefully for any procedures that they had not had done. Sometimes this is simply an error at the office but sometimes it isn’t. It’s wise to call the doctor’s office if you find something that does not seem right to you. Sometimes, the medical equipment advertised is not covered by Medicare, though they let you think it is, and it is costly.
She said that one should keep a journal of all procedures and appointments made and the outcome. If you get no help from your doctor’s office or the hospital, then you can contact AAAA and they will help you get things straightened out.
Wiggins passed out information to the group that was enlightening.
After Wiggins left, President Nina Trask opened the meeting with the salute to the flag and the singing of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”, with Rogena Thomas at the piano. The roll call was taken by Treasurer Ida Doak, with these members present: Ida, Nina, Eldora Carter, Marie Hewitt, Rogena Thomas, Rena Richardson, Keith Richardson, John Trask, Arlene Ladner, JoAnn Johnson, Lindy Fowler, Ezalee Smith and Annette Copeland. Ida also gave the treasurer’s report, telling them that she had sent their dues to the Northern District of the Area on Aging. The report was accepted as read. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Secretary Eldora Carter and were accepted as read.
It was voted to donate to the RSVP Awards Banquet for gifts. There was a discussion about a trip to Oxbow to see the buffalo and have lunch there but as the trip would not be taken until June, it was tabled to a later date. There was discussion on the invitation to senior citizens to go on a bus trip with Recreation Department to Canada to visit a maple syrup business, the Sugar Moon Cookhouse, on Thursday, March 24, leaving the West Ridge Manor at 9:45 a.m. Dinner will be $11.
The group thanked Nina for the pretty St. Patrick’s decorations and it was moved by Ida and seconded by Annette to adjourn.