From our Files: Headlines from 100 years of local news

14 years ago

Compiled by Karen Donato
Special to the Pioneer Times

100 Years Ago-July 5, 1911
Aroostook Times

    Local — The editor is indebted to A.P. Bennett of Linneus for a box of most delicious cultivated strawberries from his garden.
    Steers — C.W. Starkey & Co. purchased of California Frank’s Wild West Show last Wednesday, three of the long-horned steers, which he will fatten for market.
    New newspaper — The edition of the Van Buren News is well put up, plain type, matters well arranged and tastily made up and a weekly paper like this cannot help but be an honor to the town and reflect credit on the Publishers.
75 Years Ago-July2, 1936
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Houlton — John K. Palmer, proprietor of the Houlton Kandy Kitchen in Market Square has taken an advance step in the manufacture of ice cream by installing the newest equipment on the market.
    Orient — The opening dance of the season at Sunset Park, Grand Lake will be held on the evening of July 3 in the log lodge. Sunset Park Lodge is owned by H.B. Dority
    Boxing — The first boxing show to be staged in Houlton for some time will take place at the Houlton Boxing Hall opposite the Houlton House on Kendall Street.
50 Years Ago-July 6, 1961
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Social Security — Ralph Rooney, 62, of Ludlow became the first man in the Houlton area to sign up for Social Security
retirement benefits at age 62 instead of 65 following the signing of the bill into law by President John F. Kennedy.
Houlton Pioneer Times 1961 File Photo
bs-fromfiles61-dc-pt-27MISS HOULTON — Delores Warman is shown receiving the tiara, a symbol of her newly won title of Miss Houlton from Frank Woodard, vice-president of King Cole, Inc. Miss Carole Ivey of Linneus, on right, Miss Houlton of 1960 and Miss Potato Blossom assisted the potato chief official with his pleasant task. Ceremonies took place at Community Park.

    Potato Feast — Plans are being worked out to have two showers of snowflakes from the top of French’s on to Market Square. Each shower will have 500 flakes stuffed with gift certificates from local merchants.
    Local — Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brewer recently sold their home at Cary’s Mills to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cooley and left Sunday to make their home in Monticello where Mr. Brewer has accepted a position as principal of the Monticello schools.
25 Years Ago-July 2, 1986
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Houlton — Dallas Henderson, parade chairman, has announced that Senator Bill Cohen will be Grand Marshal of the 4th of July parade.
    Awards — Six high school students joined an exclusive national group when they received the 1986 Army Reserve National Scholar/Athlete Award. Winners were, Terri Cameron and Brent Dubois of Southern Aroostook High School, Chuck Denton and Teresa Haggerty of Houlton High School, Christal Gallop and Matthew Oliver of Hodgdon High School.
    Salvation Army — Several former officers with the Salvation Army have returned for a visit. They are Major Walter Thompson, Captain and Mrs. Charles Brant and Capt. Colin Devault.
    New business — Otis Gallop and Joyce Ivey have opened a new cleaning business called, Sparkle Wash. They can clean or restore automobiles, buildings, machinery and garage floors. They can also brighten brick and remove graffiti. All work is done on location.